118. A simplified schematic diagram of
the voltage regulator power amplifier is
A complete
(5) Discharge resistors.
Test discharge
connection diagram of the excitation unit
and voltage regulator is provided in the
h. Refer to figure 121 and reassemble the exciter.
i. Installation. Refer to figures 117 and 121 to
(2) The voltage regulator compares a portion
install the exciter and install the housing components
reference voltage The difference in
voltages constitutes an error signal that is
73. Voltage Regulator
amplified and used to establish the level
of control current applied to the S (C)
a. General.
winding of the static exciter current
(1) The voltage regulator assembly is
mounted in the exciter box. A simplified
block diagram of both the excitation unit
and voltage regulator is provided in figure
Figure 123. Voltage regulator installed in exciter box.