TM 5-6115-400-12
flywheel until the timing pointer is alined
with 34 degrees BTDC.
Note. To insure that all the slack is out
of the engine timing gears and fuel pump
drive, never rotate the flywheel backwards
if the correct degree mark is passed.
Back up several inches and again come
up to the correct degree mark in the
correct rotation.
(3) Try the fuel injection pump drive coupling
spider on both the drive coupling flange
and the coupling hub to see if the spider
fits firmly on the coupling members. If the
clearance is excessive replace the
coupling spider.
(4) Loosen the two drive coupling capscrews
just enough to allow the drive coupling
flange to be turned for alignment when
the pump is positioned.
(5) Clean the surfaces and install a new seal
in the counterbore of the oil inlet and oil
return passages of the fuel injection pump
Figure 3-19. Fuel injection pump, removal and
mounting bracket.
(6) Turn the injection pump coupling hub to
mounting bracket. Raise pump slightly
align the FPI timing mark on the hub with
and move it toward the rear, then remove
the timing pointer.
pump and governor as a unit.
(7) Install the fuel injection pump and
b. Installation and Timing.
governor in position on the pump
mounting bracket. Install spider on hub
(1) Before installing the pump on the engine,
driving lugs and install flange into the
make certain the No. 1 piston is on its
spider. Make certain that the packings
compression stroke. Refer to figures 3-
and governor oil drain coupling are
19, 3-20, 3-21, and 3-22.
properly installed between the bottom of
the fuel pump and governor, and the
Note. To make certain the No. 1 piston
pump mounting bracket.
Install the
(piston nearest fan) is on the compression
stroke, remove the cylinder head covers
pump to the mounting bracket. Tighten
so the valve action can be observed. Use
the capscrews, but not to the extent that
barring lever (fig. 3-14) to turn engine
the pump cannot be shifted on the
crankshaft until No. 6 cylinder exhaust
mounting bracket by tapping it with a soft-
valves .are nearly closed and No. 6
headed hammer.
cylinder intake valves are just starting to
open. This will position near the top of its
(8) At this point the FPI mark on the fuel
compression stroke.
pump coupling hub should be aligned with
the pointer on the fuel pump.
from the flywheel housing. Rotate the
crankshaft in the normal direction of
rotation by using the barring lever (fig. 3-
12). Turn the