TM 5-6115-376-13
refer to TM 9-2320-211 -1'0, and for the trailer
to TM 9-2330-205-14.
a. For troubleshooting on the diesel engine
b. Operator troubleshooting of the distribution
generator sets refer to TM 5-6115-239-10 or TM
boxes, portable distribution boxes, synchronizer
5-6115-247-15 (45KW), or to TM 5-6115-425-12
assembly (or switchbox) is limited to inspecting
(60KW). For troubleshooting on the M54A2 truck
for damaged cables and connectors, and proper
grounding of system.
3-9. Operator's Maintenance
Operator's maintenance of the distribution box,
The operator of the generator sets is responsible
for performance of daily preventive maintenance
portable distribution boxes, synchronizer assem-
checks and services on all items of the generator
bly or switchbox, accessory boxes, fuel cans,
sets, Detailed operator maintenance procedures
mounting brackets, cables, and associated hard-
ware items consists of the following:
pertaining to the diesel engine generator units
a. Cleaning the equipment.
are contained in TM 5-6115-239-10 (model 4070)
or TM 5-6115-247-15 (model 54400) for the
b. Inspecting for missing and damaged items.
45KW units, and in TM 5-6115-425-12 for the
c. Inspecting for loose brackets, braces, and
military design 60KW units. Operator mainte-
hardware items.
nance for the generator trailer (M200A1 ) is out-
d. Inspecting power cables, receptacle-connec-
lined in TM 9-2330-205-14; and for the M54A2
tors for damage and overheating; ground rods
and clamps for good connections.
cargo truck, in TM 9-2320-211-10.