TM 5-6115-376-13
3-1. Special Tools and Equipment
Tools, equipment, and repair parts issued with
No special tools or equipment required by the
or authorized for the generator sets are listed in
operator for maintenance of the generator sets.
requiring lubrication clean of lubricants, Before
3-3. General Lubrication Information
lubricating equipment wipe all lubrication points
Lubrication of the various diesel engine genera-
free of dirt and grease. Clean all lubrication points
tor sets, cargo trucks, and trailers are covered in
after lubrication to prevent accumulation of
the following lubrication orders:
foreign matter.
L.O. S-6115-229-20 ______ Model 4070 diesel
L.O. S-6115-247-15 ______ Model 54400 diesel
c. Points of Lubrication. Service the lubrication
L.O. 6-6115-425-12 ______ Model SF60MD (CIED)
points as illustrated in the appropriate lubrication
LO. 9-2320-211-10 ______ M54A2 cargo truck
L.O. 9-2330-205-14 _______ M200A1 generator trailer
d. OES Oil, The crankcase oil level of
the diesel
3-4. Detailed Lubrication Information
engine draining the generator sets, and the
M54A2 truck (PU-408/M, PU-700/M) must be
checked frequently as oil consumption may in-
tainers and store in a clean, dry place away from
crease. Also the oil may require changing more
external heat. Allow no dirt, or other foreign ma-
frequently than usual because of fuel dilution and
terial to mix with the lubricants, keep all lubrica-
sludge formation increase under cold weather
tion equipment clean and ready to use.
operation conditions.
b. Cleaning. Keep all external posts not
will be recorded together with the corrective ac-
tion taken on DA Form 2404 (Equipment Inspec-
To insure that the DE generator set is ready for
tion and Maintenance Worksheet ) at the earliest
operation at all times, it must be inspected
possible opportunity.
systematically so that. defects may be discovered
and corrected before they result in serious damage
3-6. Preventive Maintenance Checks
or failure. The necessary preventive maintenance
and Services
checks and services to be performed are listed and
For daily preventive maintenance checks and
services for the 45KW generator sets refer to
nical manuals. The item numbers indicate se-
TM 5-6115-23910, or TM 5-6115-247-15 for the
quence of minimum inspection requirements. De-
60KW sets refer to TM 5-6115-425-12, for the
fects discovered during operation of the unit will
M200A1 trailer refer to TM 9-2330-205-14, and
be noted for future correction to be made as soon
for daily PMS on the M54 truck refer to TM
as operation has ceased. Stop operation immedi-
9-2320-211-40. Table 3-1 is a list of the preven-
ately if a deficiency is noted during operation
tive maintenance checks and services for com-
which would damage the equipment if operation
ponents not covered elsewhere.
were continued. All deficiencies and short comings