TM 9-6115-659-13&P
2-5.3.2 Load Transfer.
a. For the generator set that is not operating
Refer to table 2-2 and perform the Before PMCS.
Check that switch box ON/OFF switch (6 or 4) is at center position.
Check that switch box TRANSFER switch (5) is at bottom position.
Refer to TM 9-6115-641-10 and:
Start the generator set.
Use generator set VOLTAGE adjustable rheostat to adjust voltage to required value.
Using generator set frequency adjust control, adjust frequency to required value.
Check switch box controls and indicators (figure 2-10) to ensure that:
(a) GEN SET ON light (8 or 2) and ON LINE light (7 or 3) is lit for generator set that has
been supplying electric power to the load.
(b) GEN SET ON light (8 or 2) for generator set just started is lit.
Move switch box TRANSFER switch (5) in the direction of the arrow. All
SYNCHRONIZING lights (1 and 9) should be going from bright to dark at the same time.
If SYNCHRONIZING lights do not begin to function, report problem to next higher level of
Refer to TM 9-6115-641-10 and:
Slowly increase frequency of generator set that was just started. Continue until
SYNCHRONIZING lights (1 and 9) go from bright to dark together at a rate of one or
more times per second.
Slowly decrease frequency of generator set that was just started. Continue until
SYNCHRONIZING lights (1 and 9) blink together at a rate of once every three to four
When SYNCHRONIZING lights (1 and 9) are dark, hold the switch box ON/OFF switch
(6 or 4) for the generator set that was just started to ON position until ON light remains
on. Release the switch. The ON LINE light for the first generator set that was running
should immediately go out.
Check switch box lights, as follows:
(a) The ON LINE light (7 or 3) should be lit for the generator set that was just started.
(b) The ON LINE light (7 or 3) for the other generator set should be off.
(10) If lights fail to go on or off, repeat steps (7), (8), and (9). If lights do not function properly,
report the problem to the next higher level of maintenance.