TM 9-6115-604-34
NAVFAC P-8-633-34
Replace worn weight pins (8 and 43), governor weights (5 and 40), governor gears (9 and 44), carrier
shafts (7 and 42), or governor carriers (6 and 41) as follows:
Press out the weight pins (8 and 43) and remove the governor weights (5 and 40).
Remove the governor gears (9 and 44) using weight carrier block ST-1 231.
Press out the carrier shafts (7 and 42) working from the governor carriers (6 and 41) side.
Press in new carrier shafts (7 and 42) so that they are flush with, or not over 0.005 inch (0.13 mm)
below the face on the weight side of the governor carriers (6 and 41).
Support the carrier shafts (7 and 42) on the governor carriers (6 and 41) side, install the replacement
governor gears (9 and 44) on the shafts with the chamfered side of the governor gears facing the
governor carriers, and press the gears onto the shafts until they bottom on the governor carriers.
Align the holes in the replacement governor weights (5 and 40) with the holes in the governor
carriers (6 and 41) and press in new weight pins (8 and 43).
Check the tachometer drive shaft (13) for wear. Replace the tachometer drive shaft if the minimum
diameter is under 0.3950 inch (10.033 mm).
Check the sleeve bearing (16) for wear. Replace the sleeve bearing if the inside diameter is over 0.3970
inch (10.084 mm).
Check the gear teeth on the tachometer driven gear (17) for wear, chipping, or cracking. Check the inside
diameter of the tachometer driven gear for wear. Replace the tachometer driven gear if the teeth are
defective, or the inside diameter exceeds 0.3948 inch (10.028 mm).
Replace the tachometer seal spacer (15) If it Is distorted or cracked.
the spider (19) if it is worn or cracked.
Replace the fuel pump drive coupling (23) if it is cracked, if the keyway slot is worn, or if it is worn in the
drive area.
Replace the drive key (32) if it is worn, cracked, or distorted.
Replace the tachometer drive gear 124) if the teeth or splines are worn, cracked, or chipped.
Replace the drive shaft (31) if the splines are worn, cracked, or chipped, or the keyway is worn in
accordance with step (r), below.
Check the fuel pump drive coupling (27) for wear and scoring in the bearing area. Replace the fuel pump
drive coupling if a wear edge can be felt with the fingernail in accordance with step (r), below.
Replace the fuel pump drive gear (28) if the teeth are worn, cracked, or chipped in accordance with step
(r), below.
Replace the ball bearing (30) if any roughness can be felt when turning the outer race, or if the balls or
races are visually scored, chipped, or flaked in accordance with step (r), below.
Replace a defective drive shaft (31), fuel pump drive coupling (27), fuel pump drive gear (28), or ball
bearing (30) as follows:
Support the fuel pump drive gear (28) on a bearing splitter, and press out the drive shaft (31) from
the fuel pump drive coupling (27) end, and remove the fuel pump drive coupling and fuel pump drive
gear from the drive shaft.
Support the inner race of the ball bearing (30) on a bearing splitter, press on the drive shaft at the
fuel pump drive coupling (27) end, and remove the ball bearing from the drive shaft.
Lubricate the drive shaft (31) with a high pressure lubricant such as MIL-L-24478B and install the ball
bearing (30) on the drive shaft using driver 3375172.
Using driver 3375172, press the fuel pump drive gear (28) on the drive shaft (31) with the hub end
toward the ball bearing (30).