ARMY TM 9-6115-604-12
NAVY NAVFAC P-8-633-12
Dry cleaning solvent, P-D-680, Type II, is flammable and moderately toxic to
the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract. Skin, eyes and respiratory tract
protection is required to avoid injury to personnel.
Strip off damaged acoustic absorber layer (10) and damper layers (9) from roof panels. Clean panel inner
surfaces with cleaning solvent P-D-680, Type II, or equivalent, and let dry.
Peel off paper backing from precut layer of self-adhesive acoustic damper (9) and Install new layer on Inner
surface of roof panel being worked on.
With brush or roller, apply a uniform coat of water base adhesive on Installed acoustic damper (9) and allow
to dry.
With adhesive coating on damper layer dry, install precut layer of acoustic absorber, with its unfaced side
(without fabric lining) flush against the adhesive coat. Apply pressure on quilted side of absorber layer with a
roller to ensure uniform adhesion.
Using roof strips (2 and 3, Figure 4-13) mounting holes on #5 roof panel corners as guides, punch holes
through sound insulation layers to accommodate Installation of roof angles (6, 7, and 8) and roof strips (2 and
3). Use roof angle mounting holes on #12 roof panel (4, Figure 4-12) to align and punch mounting holes
through sound insulation layers.
Reinstall roof angles (6 and 7, Figure 4-13) and roof strips (2 and 3) on #11 roof panel such that the roof strip
ends are Imposed over those of the roof angles. Secure roof angles and roof strips to roof panels by
tightening screw and captive washer assemblies (1). Install roof angles (6, 7, and 8) and roof strips (2 and 3)
on #10 roof panel as described for first #5 roof panel. Position one roof angle (8) to allow attachment to
switchgear cabinet upper plate (11) and to accommodate installation of wiring support hardware above control
cabinet C. Install roof angles (4 and 5) on #12 roof panel. Tighten all screw and captive washer assemblies
Reinstall roof panels in accordance with paragraph 4-17.
Repair of Switchgear Access Panels and Related Parts. This step contains disassembly, repair, and reassembly
procedures for acoustical insulation materials installed between the switchgear and the generator compartment.
Disassemble only to the extent required for repair.
Remove switchgear access panels (4 through 8, Figure 3-24) in accordance with paragraph 3-16.
If damaged, thoroughly remove gaskets (9, Figure 3-24) from cabinet C.
Remove hexagon head cap screws (1), lock washers (2), and washers (3) to remove acoustical panels (10,
11, and 12).
If damaged, thoroughly remove gaskets (13 and 14).
Remove screw and captive washer assemblies (17) and flat washers (18) to remove acoustical panel covers
(19 and 20).
Remove hexagon head cap screws (21), lock washers (2), and flat washers (3) to remove acoustical panels
(22 and 23).
If damaged, thoroughly remove gaskets (24).