ARMY TM 9-6115-464-34
AIR FORCE 35C2-3-445-2
NAVY NAVFAC P-8-624-34
Use an ohmmeter to test resistance of relay K1 (figure 3-61). Resistance shall be 300 ± 30 ohms.
Replace relay if defective.
Visually inspect fault locating wiring harness connector for cracks, corrosion, and loose or damaged
Check individual wires for corroded or damaged terminals, burned insulation and other damage.
Check individual wires for continuity using figure 3-63 as a guide.
If the wiring harness has sustained damage and requires repair or rebuild, refer to figure 3-63 for
layout, identification, and material requirements and Appendix A for detailed soldering and
replacement procedures.
d. Assembly.
Position housing (35) to install wiring harness (34), screw and captive washer assemblies (33).
If removed, assembly cover plate assembly (items 32 through 27) for replacement of damaged parts
as needed.
Install cover plate assembly (26), screw and captive washer assemblies (25). Connect electrical
leads and untag.
If removed, assemble panel assembly (items 24 through 7) for replacement of damaged or defective
components as needed.
Connect electrical leads and untag. Carefully push indicator panel assembly (6) onto housing and
install screw and captive washer assemblies (5).
Install cover plate (4), screw and captive washer assemblies (3).