ARMY TM 9-6115-464-34
AIR FORCE 35C2-3-445-2
NAVY NAVFAC P-6-624-34
(5) Testing.
Using an ohmmeter or similar device, check relay assembly continuity using figure 3-58 as a guide.
Make sure that power supply leads are properly connected. Damage to the relay
assembly will result if leads are connected to the wrong terminals. Failure to observe
this caution could result in damage to the equipment.
Connect a 120 Vac, 60 Hz power supply to terminals 4 and 12. Using a suitable voltmeter, measure
voltage at terminals 6 and 10. Voltage shall be 120 Vac. If voltage is not as specified, relay (K6) is
defective. Check for open circuit across 10 and 5 and 6 and 11. There shall be no sign of continuity.
Figure 3-58. Control Cubicle Relay Assembly, Schematic Diagram
(c) If relay (K6) fails to function properly, proceed as follows:
Remove 120 Vac power.
Remove resin from back of relay (K6).
3. Apply 120 Vac power across terminals 4 and 12 and check voltage across relay (K6) coil.
Voltage shall be 18 to 24 Vdc.
If voltage is not as specified, remove 120 Vac and check resistance across resistor (R10).
Resistance shall be 150 ±10 ohms. If resistance is not as specified, replace resistor.
If resistance is as specified, rectifier (CR1) is defective and must be replaced.
(d) Connect a 24 Vdc source across terminals 8 and 2 and check for continuity across terminals 7 and
9 and for open circuit across terminals 1 and 3. Replace relay (K1) if continuity is not as specified.
(6) Installation.
(a) Install relay assembly (2, figure 3-56), nut and capive washer assemblies (1).
(b) Connect electrical leads to relay assembly.