ARMY TM 9-6115-464-12AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-445-1NAVY NAVFAC lndicator (13, Figure 2-1). The overload indicator is an indicator Iamp with a red lens. It illuminateswhen the load on any phase reaches 130% of rated Ioad and the overload protective device actuates.Under Voltage Indicator (14, Figure 2-1). The under voltage indicator is an indicator lamp with a red lens.It illuminates instantaneously when voltage drops below 48 volts or 6 ± 2 seconds after voltage drops to99 ± 4 volts (tactical precise generator sets only).Under Frequency lndicator (15, Figure 2-1). The under frequency indicator is an indicator lamp with a redlens. For ModeI sets in 60 Hz operation, it illuminates when frequency drops to 55 ± 1 Hz. For Mode I setsin 50 Hz operation, it illuminates when frequency drops to 46 ± 1 Hz. For Mode II sets, it illuminates whenfrequency drops to 370 ± 5 Hz. This indicator is operational on tactical precise sets only.Reverse Power Indicator (16, Figure 2-1). The reverse power indicator is an indicator lamp with a redlens. It illuminates when reverse power exceeds 20% and the reverse power protective device actuates.Over Voltage Indicator (17, Figure 2-1). The over voltage indicator is an indicator lamp with a red lens. Itilluminates when voltage exceeds 153 ± 3 volts and remains for 180 milliseconds and the over voltage pro-tective device actuates.Fault Indicator Fuse (18, Figure 2-1). The fault indicator fuse is 1-1 /4 x 1/4 inch, glass, 1 amp, 250 voltfuse. It protects the fault indicator circuits from overload.Test or Reset Switch (19, Figure 2-1). The test or reset switch is a single pole, momentary on, toggleswitch. It permits testing of the fault indicator lamps and resetting of fault indicator lights.DC Circuit Breaker (20, Figure 2-1). The DC circuit breaker is a push type circuit breaker. It closes the24 Vdc circuit from the battery to the controls. The DC circuit breaker is depressed (closed) during genera-tor set operation.Manual Speed Control (21, Figure 2-1). The manual speed control is a push-pull control. It controls en-gine speed and thereby frequency output. A vernier type adjustment allows finer control. This control isinoperable on precise models of the generator set.Battle Short Switch (22, Figure 2-1 ). The battle short switch is a four pole on-off toggle switch. It is pro-tected by a plastic guard. It permits emergency operation by bypassing the protective devices circuits(with the exception of the overspeed and short circuit). The battle short switch also locks out the startercircuit. During normal operation, the battle short switch is in the OFF position.Battle Short Indicator (23, Figure 2-1). The battle short indicator is a press-to-test indicator lamp with ared [ens. It illuminates when the battle short switch is moved to the ON position and the generator set isoperating.Voltage Adjust Rheostat (241 Figure 2-1). The voltage adjust rheostat allows adjustment of the generatorset output voltage.Synchronizing Lights (25, Figure 2-1). The synchronizing lights are indicator lights with clear lens. Theyindicate the synchronization of frequency when the operation switch is placed in the PARALLEL positionfor paralleling of the generator sets.Operations Switch (26, Figure 2-1). The operations switch is a four pole, two position, toggle switch. It isplaced in the single unit position for single unit operation and in the PARALLEL position for parallel operation.Voltage Sensing Switch (27, Figure 2-1). The voltage sensing switch is a double pole, two position toggleswitch. It permits either local or remote monitoring of the voltage regulator circuit.Panel Light Switch (28, Figure 2-1). The panel fight switch is a single pole toggle switch. It controls thepanel illumination fights.
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