ARMY TM 9-6115-464-12AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-445-1NAVY NAVFAC P-8-624-12A-5. MAINTENANCE - (Continued)TB 750-651 (A)Use of Anti-freeze Solutions, Antifreeze Extender and Cleaning Compounds and TestKit In Engine AssemblyTM 5-6115-588-14 (A)Maintenance Manual lnduding Repair Parts and Special ToolsT.O. 35CA-1-111 (F)List for Auxiliary Equipment 15 through 200 KW, DODNAVFAC P-8-601 (N)Family Generator SetsSF 368 (A)Equipment Improvement RecommendationsAFR 66-1 (F)Air Force Maintenance Management PolicyDA Form 2028-2 (A)Recommended Changes to PublicationsT.O. 00-5-1 (F)AFTO Form 22DA Form 2404 (A)Equipment Inspection and Maintenance WorksheetA-6 SHIPMENTANDSTORAGE.TM 38-230 (A)Preservation, Packaging and Packing of Military Supplies and EquipmentTB 740-97-2 (A)Preservation of USAMECOM Mechanical Equipment for Shipmentand StorageAR 750-1 (A)Administrative Storage of EquipmentT.O. 35-1-4 (F)Processing and Inspection of Aerospace Ground Equipmentfor Storage and ShipmentTO. 38-1-5 (F)Processing and Inspection of Non-Mounted, Non-AircraftGasoline and Diesel Engines for Storage and ShipmentA-7 DESTRUCTION TO PREVENT ENEMY USETM 750-244-3 (A)Procedures for Destruction of Equipment to Prevent Enemy UseA-2
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