ARMY TM 9-6115-464-12AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-445-1NAVY NAVFAC P-8-624-121-6DESTRUCTIONOFMATERlELTOPREVENTENEMYUSE.Destruction of the generator set to preventenemy use will be in accordance with the requirements of TM 750-244-3 (Procedures for Destruction of Equipmentto Prevent Enemy Use) for U.S. Army.1-7SHIPMENT AND STORAGE.a.(F) Preparation for shipment and storage of the generator set for U.S. Air Force will be in accordance withTO 35-1 -4.b.(A) Shipment and storage for the US Army will be in accordance with TB 740-97-2.1-8EQUIPMENTIMPROVEMENTRECOMMENDATIONS(EIR'S).(A) EIR’s can and must be submitted byanyone who is aware of an unsatisfactory condition with the equipment design or use. It is not necessary to showa new design or list a better way to perform a procedure, just tell why the design is unfavorable or why the procedureis difficult. EIR’s may be submitted on SF 368. Mail directly to US Army Aviation and Troop Command, ATTN:AMSAT-BE-SEA, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63120-1798.1-9LEVELS OF MAINTENANCE. The user shall refer to the Maintenance Allocation Chart (MAC) (Appx B) fortasks and categories of maintenance to be performed.Section II. EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND DATA1-10 DESCRIPTION.a.General. The generator sets, models MEP-004A, MEP-103A, and MEP-113A (Figure 1-1 and Figure 1-3)are fully enclosed, self-contained, skid mounted, portable units. They are equipped with controls, instruments,and accessories necessary for operation as single unit or in parallel with one or more units of the same classand mode. Each set is equipped with engine oil pan heating elements and necessary connections for fieldinstallation of winterization kits. Lifting devises for hoisting the generator set are located at the top of the liftingframe and center support assembly. Tubular cross members, that will accept a chain, have been providedat the front and rear of the skid base assembly to permit towing for short distances. Mobility of the units maybe obtained by mounting on trailers or equipping with a wheel mounting kit. To extend the capability of thegenerator sets, they have also been designed to accept and operate with the following optional kits:(1)Fuel Burning Winterization Kit (paragraph 5-3).(2)Electric Winterization Kit (paragraph 5-9).(3)Wheel Mounting Kit (paragraph 5-15)(4)Load Bank Kit (paragraph 5-20).(5) Applications Kit (paragraph 5-26).(6)Acoustic Suppression Kit (paragraphs 2-27 and 5-29).(7)Automatic Transfer Panel 50/60 Hz. Monitors 50/60 Hz primary power and automatically starts and trans-fers the load to a standby generator set in the event of abnormal primary power fluctuation or failure. Con-tinues sensing primary power and upon satisfactory resumption, will return the load to the primary powersource, shut-off and recycle the generator set to a standby condition. (See Appendix A for manual.)(8)Automatic Transfer Panel 400 Hz. Monitors 400 Hz power and automatically starts and transfers theload from an operating 400 Hz generator set to a like standby set in the event the operating set loadcontactor opens due to a faulty condition. (See Appendix A for manual.)(9)Remote Control Box. Permits starling and stopping of the generator set from a remote location. (SeeAppendix A for manual.)(10) Auxiliary Fuel Burning Winterization. Provides adependable external source of battery power for start-ing of the generator set in ambient temperatures from -25°F to -65°F. (See Appendix A for manual.)(11) Auxiliary Electric Winterization. Provides a dependable external source of battery power for startinga generator set in ambient temperatures from -25°F to -65°F. (See Appendix A for manual.)(12) Acoustic Suppression Kit. Provides noise suppression to lower sound to 70 dB(A) at 7 meters. (Referto paragraph 1-11.)1-2
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