ARMY TM 9-6115-464-12AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-445-1NAVY NAVFAC P-8-624-12Chapter 1INTRODUCTIONSection I. GENERAL INFORMATION1 - 1 S C O P E .a.This manual is published for the information and guidance of personnel to whom the 15 KW Diesel EngineDriven Generator Set is issued. lt contains instructions for operation and unit maintenance of 50/60 Hz(Mode I) Tactical Utility (Class 2) 50/60 Hz (Mode I) Tactical Precise (Class 1) and 400 Hz (Mode II) TacticalPrecise (Class 1) models of the generator set. Also included are descriptions of major components and theirfunctions in relation to other components.b. Appendix A contains a list of reference publications applicable to this manual .Appendix C contains a list of main-tenance and operating supplies. Appendix B contains the Maintenance Alocation Chart which determines leveld maintenance responsibility for Army users. Appendix E lists additional items that are authorized.NOTEAir Force users shall accomplish maintenance at user level consistent with theircapability in accordance with policies established by AFR 66-1.1-2 LIMITED APPLICABILITY. Some portions of this publication are not applicable to all services. These portionsare prefixed to indicate the service(s) to which they pertain, (A) for Army, (F) for Air Force, and (N) for Navy. Portions notprefixed are applicable to al services.1-3 MAINTENANCEFORMSANDRECORDS.NOTEThis manual is used by Army, Air Force, and Navy personnel. Use of forms as di-rected in this manual will be accomplished only by personnel of that service towhich such forms apply.a.(A) Maintenance forms and records used by Army personnel are prescribed by DA Pam 738-750.b.(F) Maintenance forms and records used by Air Force personnel are prescribed in AFR-66-1 and the ap-plicable TO-00-20 Series Technical Orders.c.(N) Navy users should refer to their service peculiar directives to determine applicable maintenance formsand records to be used.1-4REPORTIING OF ERRORS. Reports of errors, omissions, and recommendations for improvement of this publica-tion by the individual user is encouraged. Reports should be submitted by various service personnel as follows:a.(A) Army - Mail your letter, DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms),or DA Form 2028-2 located in the back of this manual direct to: Commander, US Army Aviation and TroopCommand, ATTN: AMSAT-I-MP, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63120-1798.b.(F) Air Force. AFTO Form 22 in accordance with TO-00-5-1.c.(N) Navy. By letter direct to: Naval Construction Battalion Center (Code 15741I), Port Hueneme, CA93043-5000.1-5(A) HAND RECEIPT. Hand receipt for the End/Component of End Item (COEI), Basic Issue Items (Bll) andAdditional Authorization List (AAL) Items are published in a Hand Receipt Manual. The Hand Receipt Manual nu-merical designation is the same as the related Technical Manual with the letters HR added to the number. Thesemanuals are published to aid in property accountability and are available through: Commander, U.S. Army AdjutantGeneral Publications Center, 2800 Eastern Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21220-2896.Change 21-1
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