ARMY TM 9-6115-464-12
AIR FORCE TO 35C2-3-445-1
NAVY NAVFAC P-8-624-12
c. Testing.
Suspend the thermostat in a container of water so that it is completely immersed but does not touch
the bottom or sides of the container.
Suspend a reliable thermometer in the container so that the temperature sensing end is in the water
but not touching the sides or bottom of the container.
Do not overheat as damage to the thermostat may result. Equipment dam-
age could result if caution is not observed.
Gradually heat the water while stirring to distribute the heat evenly.
Observe both the thermometer and the themostat. If the thermostat is operating properly, it should begin
opining when the water temperature reaches 162°F (72.2°C) and be fully open when the water temper-
ature reaches 178°F (81.1 °C).
Replace the thermostat if it fails to operate properly.
d. Installation.
Loosen setscrews (19, Figure 4-23). Push upon shutter control linkage manual control until shutter
vanes are sealed, then tighten setscrews.
If removed, install adapter bushing (18) and draincock (17).
Install thermostat (16) and new gasket (15).
Attach linkage (14) to thermostat housing (13) and secure with screws (12).
Install control assembly and new gasket (11), lockwashers (10), and screws (9).
Connect shutter control linkage and install cotter pin (8).
Install drain tube (7) and tighten damp (6).
Connect radiator hoses and install attaching hose damps and refill radiator.
a. Removal of Hoses.
Remove screws and fan guard (Figure 4-24).
Refer to step (2) (b) in paragraph 3-27 and drain the radiator.
Loosen damps and remove defective radiator hose (Figure 4-24).
Clean radiator and engine hose connection points.
Remove clamps from defective hose and place on replacement.
Do not push hose too far in on water pump outlet pipe and orient clamp so
that it does not scrape against fan belt. Equipment damage could result if
caution is not observed.
Push replacement hose onto engine and radiator connectors and tighten clamps.
Install fan guard and screws.
Refer to step (2)(i) in paragraph 3-27 and service the radiator.