TM5-6115-634-14&PNAVFAC P-8-647-14&PT0-35C2-3-445-14TM-6115-14&P/16-7. JUNCTION BOX REPAIR (cont)b.Remove three nut and washerassemblies (6), that securethe wiring harness connectorsto the housing and remove thewiring harness (7).4. REMOVE POWER WIRING HARNESS.a. Tag wiring harness connectorsand mark tags for connectorpositions on housing.b. Remove twelve screws (8), nuts(9) and washers (10) thatsecure the wiring harness con-nectors to the housing andremove the wiring harness (11).INSTALLATION1.INSTALL POWER WIRING HARNESS.a.Get a new wiring harness andtag the connectors to matchthe tags on wiring harnessremoved in step 4.b.Line up connector mountingholes with holes provided inhousing and secure with twelvescrews (8), washers (10), andnuts (9).Remove tags.2.INSTALL CONTROL WIRING HARNESS.a.Get a new wiring harness (7)and tag the connectors to matchtags on wiring harness re-moved in step 3.3.INSTALL ENCLOSURE COVER.Install gasket (5) if required,and cover (3) and secure tohousing (4) with 16 screws (1)and washers (2).6-12
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