TM5-6115-593-34NAVFAC P-8-631-34TO-35C2-3-463-2LEGEND FOR FIGURE 13-211.Barrel assy11.Seal21.Screw31.Plunger41.Screw2.Screw12.Connector22.Dowel32.Bearing42.Stop3.Plate13.Screen23.Bushing33.Shim43.Shaft4.Gasket14.Plug24.Carrier assy34.Plunger44.Adj.screw5.Ring15.Adj. nut25.Spring35.Barrel45.Seal6.Seal16.Seal26.Shim36.Housing46.Seal7.Seal17.Valve27.Plunger37.Screw47.Ring8.Plug18.Nut28.Plunger assy38.Cover48.Ball9.Cap19.Nut29.Driver39.Ball49.Body10.Spring20.Plug30.Spacer40.Throttle shaft assytop of the pump. Reinstall plug.(5) Connect line to fuel pump shut-off valve.(6) Connect a No. 4 hose to the cooling bleedcheck valve on the gear pump. Drain intosplash tray under pump.CAUTIONNever operate gear pump with thedrain plugged.(7) Never remove fuel pump damper either duringtesting or operation as it will cause erratic pumpperformance and accelerate wear.(8) Completely open the fuel pump shut-off valveby turning knob clockwise (12, figure 13-22),and the flow control valve.(9) Open throttle to wide open position (secureopen with a spring), and start and run pump at500 rpm.(10)If pump is newly rebuild or has beenopened, run at slightly over rated speed for 5minutes to flush,LEGEND1.Screw5.Screw9.Washer13.O-ring2.Lockwasher6.Coil10.Valve14.Shaft3.Washer7.Shield11.Housing15.Plug4.O-ring8.O-ring12.Knob16.HousingFigure 13-22. Fuel Shut-off Valve, Exploded View13-40
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