4-43. INTAKEMANIFOLDASSEMBLY.a. Test. On Equipment (see figure 4-36). On ASK equippedgenerators, remove right panel assembly (para. 5-6). Removehose between intake manifold and air cleaner to permit visualinspection of heater coils (23). Place master switch (see figure2-3) in the PREHEAT position. Good coils should start to heatwithin one minute. Release switch as soon as coil begins to heat.Replace a bad heater.b . I n s p e c t h e a t e r f o r p h y s i c a l d a m a g e .Check that electrical connections to heater are cleanTM5-6115-585-12NAVFAC P-8-623-12TO-35C2-3-455-1TM-05684C/05685B-12and tight. While engine is operating, check for leaksespecially at the gasket (21, figure 4-36) betweenmanifold and cylinder head and the gasket (30) betweenthe manifold heater adapter (29) and the manifold.Drop oil from an oil can or hold piece of thin paperon point suspected of leaking. If leak exists, oil willbe sucked in or paper will be sucked against leakingarea.c. Remove. Tag and disconnect leads (22 and 24)from heaters (23) and remove heaters (23). Removeleads (24) by removing screw (25), washers (26 and27) and spacer (28). Remove adapter (29) and gasketFigure 4-38. Rocker Arm CoversChange 84-49
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