14-1. General.
The engine assembly provides the mechanical
power to drive the main generator. It consists of
a six-cylinder, turbocharged, diesel engine; battery-
charging alternator, speed switch, electric starter
and fuel pump.
In addition, on precise generator
sets, a hydraulic pump is provided. Maintenance
instructions for the components of the engine assembly
are provided in Sections II through XVII.
14-2. Removal.
Refer to paragraph 2-13 and remove the engine as-
sembly, if required for the repair action to be taken.
14-3. Disassembly.
a. Place engine assembly on an engine stand utili-
zing engine stand adapter plate and spacers.
b. Disassemble the engine to the extent required
by following procedures given in Sections 11 through
14-4. Inspection and Repair.
Inspect and repair engine assembly assemblies,
subassemblies, and components as described in
Sections II through XVII.
14-5. Reassembly.
Reassemble the engine assembly by following the
procedures provided in Sections II through XVII.
14-6. Testing.
a. Service engine lube oil and fuel systems with
proper oil and fuel.
(Refer to Operator and Organi-
zational Maintenance Manual.)
b. Connect engine assembly to a suitable engine
dynamometer equipped with a cooling system and
means of monitoring engine oil pressure, coolant
temperature, and engine rpm.
c. Pre-run Checks.
(1) Manually turn engine over a minimum of
two revolutions and check for binding and mechanical
interference. Correct cause of any binding or inter-
ference prior to starting.
(2) With the fuel injection pump solenoid
de-energized, crank the engine until oil pressure ap-
pears on the oil pressure gauge. Crank the engine
an additional 15 seconds to insure 061 is in all parts
of the lube oil system.
(3) Recheck oil level and top off lube oil sump.
d. Engine Oerational Check
(1) With the dynamometer throttle set to the
idle position and the fuel injection pump solenoid
energized, crank the engine until the engine starts.
(2) Allow the engine to run at idle for 30
seconds, shut down engine and inspect for signs of
(3) Restart engine and allow to run at low idle
for 10 minutes.
Monitor oil pressure and coolant tem-
perature at all times during this test,
also check for unusual noise or vibra-
tions. If at any time the oil pressure
falls below 20 psi, the coolant tempera-
ture exceeds 222° F, or if noise or
vibrations occur, discontinue test run.
(4) Operate engine at 1800 rpm at 1/2 load for
30 minutes.
(5) Operate the engine at 1800 rpm at full rated
load for 1 hour.
(6) Check to see that the engine
the following brake horsepower.
1500 rpm -
100 bhp
1800 rpm -
120 bhp
2000 rpm -
130 bhp
will produce
(7) Operate the engine with no load for five
minutes at 1800 rpm.
(8) Shut down and inspect engine for coolant,
oil and leaks.
14-7. Installation.
Refer to paragraph 2-14 and install the engine as-
sembly in the generator set.
Change 6