f. Insert the tie rod end ball studs (29) into the
spiiidles and steering knuckles (30). Secure with the
slotted hex nuts (28).
Recheck the wheel alignment as directed above
and%heck the toe-in as directed in p a r a g r a p h 4 - 3 7 .
If both are correct, tighten the nuts (26) between tie
rods (25) and tie rod ends (29) and install the cotter
pins (27) that secure the ball stud nuts (28).
4 - 3 7 .
F r o n t
W h e e l
T o e - I n
A d j u s t m e n t .
See f i g u r e 4 - 1 0 and check and adjust the front wheel
toe-in as follows:
a. Position the vehicle on a flat, hard, even
sur~ace, with the wheels positioned in the straight-
ahead position. Check wheel alignment
( p a r a g r a p h
4 - 3 6 ) .
b. Using yellow crayon, mark the front center of
the~ire tread at each front wheel. Carefully measure
the distance between the marks.
S e c t i o n
V .
4 - 3 8 .
G e n e r a l .
a. (See
f i g u r e
4 - 1 3 ) . The load bank is a balanced
thr~e phase, four wire resistive type load which is
used to maintain the generator set load at approxi-
mately half-load at 120/208 volts and 240/416 volts,
at 50/60 HZ and 400 Hz. The generator set is pro-
tected against overloads by the load bank reject con-
trol system.
b. The load bank special purpose cable connects
the-automatic load bank reject control system into
the load measuring system. The load bank is con-
nected to the generator set load terminal board via
the load bank four wire power cable. A load bank
power on indicator lamp indicates when ac power is
applied to load bank heating elements.
c. The load bank rotary selector switches permit
ch@es in load from O to 50 percent of the generator
set KW ra$ing (60 KW) in four 7.5 KW increments of
2! percent of the load capacity (30KW) and permit
operation at either 120/208 or 240/416 volts.
~. A load reject toggle switch provides for
selection of automatic load reject or manual mode
reject mode of operation. During automatic mode,
the load measuring unit senses the generator set out-
put (utility load plus load bank). If the combined load
exceeds 509+ of the generator set capacity of 60 KW,
the load measuring unit applied to the load reject
relay via the tactical relay box trips the load reject
relay which trips the over temperature reset switch
trip coil (3 phase magnetic circuit breaker) removing
the selected load from the generator set. (The load
reject relay trips when the total current in any phase
of the generator set rises to and remains at 125 per-
cent plus or minus five percent of the maximum load
Push the vehicle backwards in a straight line
unt~l the marks are positioned at the back of the
wheel. Again measure the distance between marks.
The measured distance between marks when at the
rear must exceed the distance between the marks
when at the front of the wheel by 1/4 inch.
d. If the toe-in is not correct, remove the cotter
p i n _ ( 2 7 ,
f i g .
4 - 1 0 ) and nut (28) that secure each tie
rod end ball stud (29) to the spindles and knuckles
(30). Disengage the tie rod end ball studs (29) and
tie rods (25).
e. Using a straightedge along the sides of the
fro fit and rear wheels, position the front wheels so
they are correctly aligned with just sufficient toe-in
(refer to s t e p c
. above).
f. Adjust the tie rod ends (29) on the tie rods (25)
as directed in
p a r a g r a p h
4 - 3 6 above and reconnect
the tie rods.
bank capacity. ) Thus, the utility load continues to be
supplied without risk of generator set overload.
When the generator set load diminishes the load bank
is reconnected by manually resetting the over tem-
perature reset switch. During the manual mode
protection of the generator set against overloads is
the responsibility
of the operator by monitoring the
generator set control panel KW meter. If sets
rated load capacity is exceeded, the operator reduces
or removes the load bank load with the % load selector
rotary switch.
e. A fan and motor assembly provides for cooling
the~oad bank resistive load (heater elements).
f. The thermostatic switch operates the trip coil
of t~e over temperature reset switch removing the
selected load from the generator set when tempera-
ture within load bank reaches 450° F +- 15° F. The
switch closes with temperature at 450m F +- 15° F
and opens with temperature at 3510F + 15~F.
g. The purpose of the resistive load (heater ele-
mefits) is to provide a partial load for the generator
set if the normal utility load is too low to keep set
operating without carbonization of the engine.
h. For load bank operating instructions, refer to
p a r a g r a p h
2 - 2 7 .
4 - 3 9 .
I n s t a l l a t i o n .
f i g u r e s
1 - 1 ,
1 - 2 ,
1 - 2 1 ,
1 - 2 6
o r
1 - 2 7 ,
a n d
4 - 1 3
and proceed as follows:
b Set % LOAD SELECTOR switch to OFF.
C h a n g e
4 - 2 9