TM 5-6115-465-34
T0 35C2-3-446-2
NAVFAC P-8-625-34
TM 06858B/06859D-34
ME 5-6115-465-34/8-12
Figure 8-12.
Wheel Mounting Kit Installation
(10) Remove roll pin (52) and king pin (53).
(11) Install a new king pin and roll pin and in-
If king pins are excessively worn, per-
stall the wheel in reverse order of removal.
form the following procedures.
(12) Refer to Operator and Organizational
(8) Jack the front end of the generator up and
Maintenance Manual and check wheel alignment.
place a suitable support under the front axle.
d. Assembly. Assemble wheel mounting kit in
reverse order of disassembly procedures.
cotter pin (82), castellated nut (83), key washer (84)
and remove the wheel, tire, and hub as an assembly.
wheel mounting kit installation procedures.