NAVFAC P-8-625-34
Figure 5-24.
Under Voltage Relay Test Circuit
and test lamp DS2 shall illuminate. Set outputfre-
(b) Activate power source G1 and adjust
quency above 9S Vac ad mommtarily open switches
output voltage to 120 Vac at 50 Hz.
S1 and allow relay to reset.
(c) Activate power source G2.
(j) Repeat steps (i) for frequencies of 60,
70, and 100 Hz.
(d) Close switches S1 and S2.
(k) Set output frequency of power source
(e) Test lamp DS1 shall illuminate, and
G1 to 350 Hz. Slowly decrease output voltage to
test lamp DS2 shall remain extinguished.
90 Vet. DS1 shall extinguish end DS2 shall illu-
minate. Return output voltage to 120 Vac and
(f) Vary output frequency of power source
momentarily open switch S1, allowing relay to re -
G1 from 50 to 450 Ha. There shall be no change in
400 and 450 Hz.
(g) Slowly decrease output voltage of
power source G1 to l00 Vac. Vary output frequency
(9) Test under frequency relay as follow:
from 350 to 450 Hz. Test lamp DS1 shall remain
illuminated and test lamp DS2 shall remain extin-
(a) Install relay in test circuit shown in
(h)Slowly decrease output voltage of
power source G1 to 95 Vat. Vary frequency from
(b) Activate power source G1 and G2 and
50 to 100 Hz. DS1 shall reamain illuminated and DS2
adjust output frequency to 50 Hz (400 Hz for 400 HZ
shall remain extinguished.
(i) Set output frequency of power source
(c) Close switch S1. Test lamp DS1 small
G1 to 50 Hz. Slowly decrease output voltage of power
illuminate and DS2 shall remain extinguished.
source G1 to 90 Vac. Test lamp DS1 shall extinguish
Change 4