TM 5-6115-465-12
TO 35C2-3-446-1
TM 06858B/06858D-12
(5) Check the diodes in the rectifier
(6) When fuel transfer pumps have refilled
assembly by placing the positive lead of an
day tank, return both switches to the original
ohmmeter on the red coded terminal and the
negative lead on one of the yellow coded terminals
(7) Disconnect fuel solenoid connector and
float switch connector.
(8) Check for open circuit between pins
( 6 ) Reverse the ohmmeter leads. The
A and B and between pins C and D.
requirements are not met.
(7) Perform the checks in paragraphs (5)
d. Installation. Install day tank fuel level and
and (6) above using the opposite yellow coded
low fuel cutoff switch in reverse order of removal
d. Installation. Install the fuel solenoid valve
3-75. Fuel Solenoid Valve
and Rectifier
and rectifier assembly in reverse order of removal
a. Removal.
3-76. Engine Wiring Harness Assembly
a. Removal. Prior to removal, tag or otherwise
Test fuel solenoid valve in accordance
identify electrical terminals, connectors, and
with paragraph c. below before removal.
wiring and location of support clamps to facilitate
( 1 ) Disconnect fuel supply hose, elec-
Remove wiring harness terminals,
wires, and connectors as required for access to
(2) Unscrew tee from day tank assembly.
other components and to replace damaged parts.
( 3 ) Remove elbows and tee from fuel
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
solenoid valve.
(4) Disconnect electrical connector from
(1) Clean engine wiring harness with filtered
recrifier assembly.
compressed air and a soft bristle brush or wipe
(5) Remove screw and captive washer and
with a clean, lint-free cloth moistened with an
remove rectifier assembly.
approved solvent.
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
(2) Visually inspect wiring harness for
burned, bent, corroded or otherwise damaged
(1) Clean solenoid valve with dry, filtered
connectors and terminals.
compressed air and a soft bristle brush or wipe
(3) Inspect insulation for burns, chafing,
with a clean, lint-free cloth lightly moistened
with an approved solvent.
(2) Clean rectifier assembly with a clean,
c. Testing.
Check continuity of individual
lint-free cloth.
( 3 ) Inspect solenoid valve for cracks,
to figures FO-1 and FO-2 for wire routing.
corrosion, stripped or damaged threads, bent
or broken connector pins and evidence of shorting
If more than 30 percent of the wires
or other damage.
are damaged, or have been repaired,
(4) Inspect rectifier assembly for cracks,
replace the wiring harness and forward
corrosion, s t r i p p e d or damaged threads, and
i t to higher level maintenance for
evidence of shorting or other defects.
c. Testing.
(1) Open drain on botton of day tank and
Do not use acid core solder on electrical
allow fuel to drain into a suitable container.
(2) Place START-RUN-STOP switch in
RUN position and BATTLE SHORT switch in
d. Repair. Replace darnaged wire, terminals,
a n d connectors by unsoldering connections,
(3) If day tank does not refill, check that
installing replacement parts and soldering con-
fuel transfer pumps and day tank fuel level and
low fuel cutoff switch and interconnecting wire
e. Installation. Install wiring harness terminals,
harnesses are operational.
electrical leads, and connectors in reverse order of
(4) If fuel transfer pumps and day tank
removal procedures.
fuel level and low fuel cutoff switch are opera-
tional, fuel solenoid valve is defective and must
be replaced.