TM 5-6115-465-12
TO 35C2-3-446-1
NAVFAC P-8-625-12
TM 06858B/06859D-12
reconnect electrical leads.
(p) Install nut (17) and lockwasher (18).
(q) Install plug (13) and gasket (14).
(4) If solenoid actuates, but starter will not rotate
engine, proceed as follows:
(r) Install sleeve (12) and clamp (9) onto
drive end housing.
(a) Set selector switch of multimeter to the 50
Vdc position.
(s) Install solenoid frame assembly (11) and
screws (10). Tighten clamp (9).
(t) Install terminal lug (8) and secure with
Maintain proper polarity when connecting
lockwasher (7), nut (6), lockwasher (5) and nut (4).
(u) Install electrical lead (3) and secure with
(b) Connect multimeter between starter-to-
lockwasher (2) and nut (1).
solenoid terminal and ground terminal.
d. Testing.
(c) Observe multimeter while assistant
(1) Check specific gravity of batteries to determine
batteries if necessary.
mately 24 Vdc, replace solenoid assembly (paragraph c.
(2) above).
(2) Open the right side engine compartment access
door. Listen for audible evidence of solenoid actuation
while someone attempts to start the generator set
check brush length (paragraph b. (1) above). Replace
brushes if necessary.
(3) If no sounds of solenoid actuation are heard,
(5) If trouble persists, replace starter assembly.
proceed as follows:
(a) Set selector switch of a multimeter to the
e. Installation. Install starter assembly in reverse
50 Vdc position.
order of removal procedures.
a. Removal.
Maintain proper polarity when connecting
positive lead.
(b) Connect multimeter between positive
paragraph c. below before removal.
solenoid terminal and starter ground terminal.
(1) Disconnect electrical connector (1, figure
(c) If multimeter does not indicate approxi-
mately 24 Vdc, trouble is in wiring and not the solenoid.
(2) Loosen alternator mounting hardware and
remove v-belt (2).
(3) Remove screw (3), lockwasher (4), and flat
Always disconnect negative (ground) cable first.
washer (5).
(d) If multimeter indicates approximately 24
(4) Remove nut (6), lockwasher (7), flat washer
Vdc, disconnect leads from starter.
(8) and screw (9) to remove alternator assembly (10).
(e) Using multimeter as an ohmmeter, check
(5) Do not remove screws (11 and 14),
for indication of open circuit across solenoid terminals.
mounting bracket (16) unless inspection reveals damage.
(f) If multimeter indicates open circuit,
replace solenoid (subparagraph c. (2) above).
b. Cleaning and Inspection.
Change 5