T.O. 35C2-3-442-2
TM 5-6115-457-34
Electric winterization kit coolant pump,
Figure 12-6.
exploded view
i. Rotate motor shaft and check for
motor terminal and ground motor. Check
smoothness of rotation, rough spots, and
motor RPM using a suitable strobe light.
excessive side play. Using a suitable dial
Motor should draw a maximum of 3.3 am-
indicator, check motor shaft end play.
peres and RPM should be approximately
End play should be 0.010 to 0.025 inch.
Check motor shaft for wear, shaft
12-23. REPAIR.
should be 0.3125 0.0005 inch diameter
and 0.286 0.005 inch from flat. Check
a. Remove nicks and burrs using a
shaft for grooves on packing contact surface.
stone or file.
j . Check capacitor for open or short.
b. Repair loose nameplate using a
suitable adhesive.
Change 8