T.O. 35C2-3-442-2
TM -07464A-35
TM 5-6115-457-34
8-38. GENERAL.
Fuel Oil if flammable and moderately
The day tank is mounted on the unit
toxic to skin, eyes and respiratory
lifting frame and is located on the left side
t r a c t . Eye and skin protection re-
of the engine. It provides a gravity head of
quired. Good general ventilation
fuel to the fuel injection pump. The day
is normally adequate.
tank is non-pressurized and is equipped
b. Clean the day tank using clean fuel
with a fuel level switch, a drain cock, a
oil. Be sure that any sediment in the
vent, a fuel inlet port, a fuel outlet port,
and an excessive fuel return port. The fuel
bottom of the tank is flushed out. After
level switch is one of the dual float type:
cleaning, dry tank thoroughly.
the upper float, senses fuel level and pre-
vents the overflow of fuel in day tank: the
lower float senses fuel level and opens a
circuit breaker to stop the engine after the
a. Refer to Operator and Organizational
fuel supply to the day tank has been shut off
Maintenance Manual, and test fuel level
for 4 minutes. The drain cock is provided
to completely drain the day tank, and the
vent prevents the system from becoming
b. Block openings in day tank and apply
air bound. The day tank has a usable fuel
1 psi of air pressure to tank. Submerge
capacity sufficient for a minimum of 5 min-
the tank in water, leaks will be indicative
utes operation at rated load, after the fuel
by air bubbles.
supply to the day tank has been shut off.
c. Inspect all threaded holes for
damaged threads.
8 - 4 2 . REPAIR.
Refer to Operator and Organizational
Maintenance Manual. Remove and disas-
semble day tank assembly.
a. Replace defective fuel level switch.
Make sure inside of day tank is free
of fuel fumes and all tank ports are
1,1,1 Trichloroethane (Methyl Chloro-
open before welding.
form) is moderately toxic to skin,
Welding operations produce heat,
eyes and respiratory tract. Eye and
highly toxic fumes, injurious
skin protection required. Good gen-
eral ventilation is normally adequate.
borne particles. Welding gog-
gles, with proper tinted lenses,
a. Clean fuel level switch with 1,1,1
apron or jacket and welder's
boots are required.
Change 8