T . O . 35C2-3-442-2
TM 5-6115-457-34
e . Test tactical relay box as outlined
6 - 1 8 6 . INSTALLATION. Refer to figure
6-15 and install the tactical relay box
in position using two screws and washers.
f. Secure cover (1) to chassis assem-
Reconnect electrical plug connector to
bly (31) using four screw assemblies (16).
tion. Upon actuation, contacts within the
6-187. G E N E R A L .
underfrequency relay, close to signal the
fault locator and open to deenergize the
The precise relay box (A25) is-used
load contactor, resulting in display of the
only for precise, 50/60 hertz generator
fault condition and removal of the load from
s e t s . It contains the under frequency relay,
t h e generator.
u n d e r voltage relay, permissive parallel-
ing relay, frequency mode selector switch,
governor paralleling control or load shar-
ing rheostat, governor feedback capacitor,
b. The under voltage relay (K11) is a
solid state device which functions to protect
s i s t o r s . (Refer to schematic diagram,
figure 1-20.
c r e a s e s below preset limits. This relay
is identical to the K11 relay used in the
mode II relay box assembly. Refer to
a. The 50/60 hertz under frequency
relay (K12) is a solid state device which
functions to protect the load in the event
generator frequency decreases below pre-
c . The permissive paralleling relay is
creases to 55 1 hertz for 60 hertz opera-
function is to ensure that a generator set
tion and 46 1 hertz for 50 hertz opera-
Change 3