T. O. 35C2-3-442-2
TM 5-6115-457-34
Install terminal board (23) in relay
assembly in the reverse sequence of index
box cover (24) and secure with nut and washer
numbers assigned. Pay particular atten-
assemblies (22) and screw and washer assem-
tion to the following:
blies (21).
Install connector (20) onto relay box
cover (24) and secure with nut and washer
Keep hands clear of mechanism
assemblies (19) and screw and washer
at all times.
assemblies (18).
a. Carefully install the auxiliary switch
Thread standoffs (13) onto relay
assembly (44) and undervoltage relay (43)
sockets (14) and secure to relay box cover
into circuit breaker base (46). Be sure
(24) using screw and washer assemblies (12)
insulative material surrounds both the
Connect all tagged electrical leads
auxiliary swtich assembly (44) and under-
to existing terminals.
voltage relay (43 ) so as not to cause any
Install relays (11) into relay sockets
(14; and secure with screw and washer
assemblies (10).
Insure that when circuit breaker
Install relay box (9) onto bracket
is in the OPEN position, auxiliary
(29) and secure with screw and washer
switch actuator does not depress
auxiliary buttons. Auxiliary
assemblies (8).
switch buttons are depressed
Secure clamp (7) to bracket (29)
only when the circuit breaker is
with nut and washer assembly (6) and screw
in the ONE position.
and washer assembly (5).
b. Place handle shield (42) over handle
Fasten bracket (4) to side of
(41) then install onto circuit breaker actua-
bracket (29) with washers (3), lock washers
(2) and screws (l).
tor assembly.
INSTALLATION. Refer to figure
c. Apply a suitable grease to trip rod
6-37A, and install circuit breaker assembly
assembly (40) so as to retain it captive in the
in the reverse sequence of index numbers
circuit breaker cover (45) during assembly.
assigned. Pay particular attention to the
d. Install cover (45) onto circuit breaker
Place circuit breaker assembly (7)
base (46).
onto bracket (8) and install washers (7 and 6)
lock washers (5 and 3) and screws (4 and 1).
e. Install motor control unit (28) on cir-
cuit breaker (30) with cover open and circuit
Route three lower electrical leads
breaker handle in the OFF position. Adjust
the motor control unit, sliding carriage, un-
til it engages the circuit breaker handle.
nect to load board terminals. Tighten clamp
Secure clamps (7B) using screws (7A).
Adjustment is accomplished by turning slot
at end of worm gear with a screw driver.
Connect electrical connector J41
Secure with washers (27), nuts (26) and
and three top electrical leads to circuit
screws (25). Secure knurled locking knob
breaker assembly (7).
on motor control.
6-120M/(6-120N blank)
Change 3