T.O. 35C2-3-442-2
TM 5-6115-457-34
Manufacturer's Part Number 00000-4857
Trips if current in anyplace exceeds 110
percent of rated current on an inverse time
3 wire, 3 phase 50/60 and 400 Hz 0.75
AC Input (Signal)
ampere per phase (at 100 percent rated load)
28 VDC 0.1 ampere maximum.
DC Input
Operates in a minimum of 8 minutes 2
Time Delay
minutes after the current in any phase
remains at 130 percent of rated current.
-65 F to +140F
Temperature Limits
Two contacts, 1 normally open, 1
Contact Arrangement
normally closed
10 ampere resistive or 5 ampere inductive,
Contact Rating
28 VDC
5,000 hour minimum
Service Life
1 pound (approx.)
3.87 x 2.68 x 3.62 inches (approx.)
Overall dimensions
8. Permissive Paralleling Relay
DOD Drawing Number
Electromagnetic Industries Inc.
C l e a r w a t e r , Florida
Manufacturer's Part Number
24 VDC, 200 milliamperes maximum.
External Power Required
0-20 VAC, 60 to 400 hertz. At 300 VAC,
Input Signal AC Burden
40 milliamperes maximum.
5 and 6 normally closed with AC signal
Contact Operation
above 10 volts. 7 and 8 normally open
with AC signal above 8 1 volt.
28 VDC, 10 amperes resistive, 5 amperes
Contact Rating
5,000 hours minimum
Life Expectancy
1 pound (approx.)
2.56 x 3.38 x 3,00 inches (approx.)
Overall dimensions
1-8 Change 7