TM 5-6115-400-35
(13) Remove Woodruff key from pump shaft.
(2) Remove cotter pin and retaining nut from
Using a press, force shaft from bearing.
impeller end of shaft.
(14) Press rear roller bearing race from pump
(3) Using a suitable bar-type puller remove
shaft. Take care not to damage bearing
impeller from the shaft.
race or shaft.
(15) Clean and inspect all parts thoroughly.
Note. Two 5/16 inch -18 NC tapped
(16) If ceramic insert (bonded to front face of
holes are provided in impeller for use
impeller) is scored or cracked, a new
of a puller. A shaft protector must be
impeller assembly must be installed.
used with puller to protect end of
(17) Inspect carbon sealing face to coolant
pump shaft because of the amount of
seal. If roughness or cracks are evident,
force required to shear the impeller
coolant seal must be replaced. Inspect
retaining pin; this pin cannot be
rear oil seal.
removed in any other way and must be
Note. It is recommended that new
sheared when removing the impeller.
coolant and oil seals be used in
assembly to eliminate any possibility
Extreme care should be taken to prevent
of reinstalling an original seal that may
damage to the ceramic sealing ring
be defective or subject to failure (or
bonded to the impeller. This ring is an
leakage) shortly after installation.
integral part of the impeller and is not
(18) Check bearings for looseness, roughness,
serviced separately.
bind, excessive wear or pitting and
Separate the pump body from bearing
(19) Make certain impeller vanes are not
The coolant and oil seals are now
damaged or cracked. Replace impeller if
accessible. Drive coolant seal from pump
(20) Check pump shaft for wear at points in
Drive rear oil seal from pump body (fig.
contact with the lips of rear oil seal and
coolant seal. Replace shaft if necessary.
Secure pulley hub in a vise and remove
cotter pin. retaining nut and washer.
Using a puller remove pulley hub from
rear oil seal in pump body, with sealing lip
Position bearing sleeve in vise and, using
of seal facing installing tool.
a pinch bar, pry out front oil seal. The
seal will be damaged during removal and
coolant seal in pump body, using care to
a new seal must be used in assembling
prevent damage to the seal.
the pump.
installing, coat brass lip on the, outside
Using Truarc pliers, remove snap ring at
diameter of the seal with a small amount
the front ball bearing location.
of sealing compound.
Using a soft-headed hammer and tapping
Note. Make certain carbon washer
from the rear of bearing sleeve with as
surface is wiped clean with an
little force as possible, drive shaft and ball
absorbent paper or lint-free cloth. If
bearing from the sleeve.
Remove snap ring from its groove at rear
accomplished this way, use a
roller bearing location.
Drive roller
commercial solvent and then wipe
bearing from the bearing sleeve as shown
Caution. Do not apply oil or grease
to the carbon washer surface.
(3) Press roller bearing-race only-onto shaft.