TM 5-6115-400-35
on end bell. Install end bell assembly with assembled
(1) Clean the armature and field windings of
brush holder assembly on commutator and install
any dirt or magnetized particles.
brushes. Install flat washer on armature shaft and install
remove grease and oil, apply a light coat
armature and end bell as a unit into frame.
of a safety type petroleum solvent such as
j. Adjusting Drive Clutch Pinion Clearance.
MILT-6003, with a brush. Wipe clean,
then use compressed air to remove any
(1) Remove plug.
remain 30 ing dirt film. Do not use any
(2) With starter pinion in engaged position,
degreasing compounds or submerge the
press clutch inward lever to take up slack.
armature in a degreasing tank as this
(3) Adjust hex self-locking nut until clearance
would damage the insulation.
between outer face of pinion and inner
(2) Clean the commutator with 00 sandpaper
face of housing overhand is 23/64 inch +
1/32 inch.
compressed air.
k. Installation. Refer to TM 5-6115-400-12.
(3) Clean the commutator end frame, drive
32. Generator - Battery Charging
end frame, and components with an
a. General. The generator is a 24-volt 18ampere
approved solvent and dry thoroughly.
type mounted on the front of the engine. It is fungus
and corrosion resistant and is arranged for "B" type
circuit with the field grounded inside the generator.
f. Inspection and Repair.
b. Removal. Refer to TM -6115-400-12.
(1) Inspect the commutator for roughness,
c. Bench Testing. To check the generator for
high mica, loose winding, burrs, or pits.
electrical output, connect an ammeter in series with a
Smooth the commutator with 00
battery to the generator output terminal. Also connect a
sandpaper or undercut on a lathe.
voltmeter from the generator output terminal to ground,
Replace the armature if the commutator
and a load rheostat across the battery. Connect a
bars are less than 1/16-inch thick after
jumper lead to the generator field terminal as shown in
undercut. Undercut the mica between the
figure 9. operate the generator at 1,775 r.p.m., and
bars to a depth of 1/32-inch.
adjust the lead rheostat to obtain a reading of 18
Caution. Do not widen commutator
slots by removing metal from bars
the generator will not meet these conditions, it should be
when undercutting. Use only solder
disassembled for further testing.
d. Disassembly.
(2) Inspect the armature shaft for wear, pits,
bends, corrosion, or breaks.
e. Cleaning.