TM 5-6115-400-35
(1) If wick was removed during disassembly,
Replace bearing if defective. Check for
saturate a new wick and plug with oil and
install in end bell.
looseness in housing or end bell.
Wick must not be in fill hole.
new bearing is loose in bore, replace
(2) Apply sealer to expansion plug hole and
housing or end bell.
install plug. Fill reservoir with oil and
install pipe plug.
(3) Inspect wicks for tests, fraying, or wear.
Replace if defective.
(8) If bushing was removed, press a new
bushing in end bell and install expansion
(4) Turn down commutator if grooved or out
of round. Undercut mica to a depth of
0.025 to 0.032 inch below surface of
(4) Assemble brush holder plate and end bell
commutator. Do not widen slots when
in the reverse order of disassembly but do
undercutting mica.
not install brushes.
(5) Inspect drive pinion for broken or badly
i. Starter Assembly.
worn teeth. Inspect clutch splines for
(1) If
wear and damage.
Inspect shell for
disassembly, install wicks and plugs
cracked or broken condition. Check to
following same instructions specified for
make sure pinion will drive into one
end bell ((1) and (2) above).
direction and will slip in opposite direction.
(2) If bushings-were removed, press new
Replace drive clutch if defective.
bushings into housings.
(6) Inspect shift lever, shaft, and solenoid
(3) Assemble starter in reverse order of
plunger for cracks or distortion.
disassembly with the following exceptions
Replace defective parts.
and additions.
(7) Inspect bellows for tears, punctures, and
(4) If field windings were removed, coat
threads of pole shoes screws with a
suitable thread sealer before installation.
other damage. Replace if defective.
Varnish inside of frame and winding
(9) Inspect brushes for wear or damage.
assembly. Leave 0.38 inch from each
end of frame free of varnish.
If damaged, or worn excessively, replace them.
(5) Partially install lever housing lever and
g. Testing.
solenoid plunger before installing drive
(1) To test armature for grounds or short,
clutch. With frame in vertical position and
refer to TM 5-764.
lever housing upward, install nonmetallic
(2) To test field coil windings for open
washer and install drive clutch. Tilt clutch
to engage lugs on shift lever.
ends of field coil, if multimeter does not
housing making sure bellows is not
read field coil is open and should be
(6) If new brushes are being installed cover
(3) To test field coil windings for grounds,
commutator with No.
00 sandpaper
disconnect field coil winding ground
temporarily install armature, ,brushes, and
connection. Connect meter probes to
field frame and field connector, if
Disassemble, remove sandpaper, and
clean armature and brush holder, plate
and must be repaired or replaced.
(7) Install thrust washer on armature shaft
h. Assembly of End Bell and Brush Holder
and install preformed packing