TM 5-6115-400-12
Voltage regulation ................... The ac voltage regulator
(12) Fuel Filters.
will maintain voltage
Manufacturer............................. Allis-Chalmers
within one percent of
Type.......................................... Replaceable elements
rated voltage from no
load to rated load and
(13) Fuel Transfer Pumps.
from rated load to no
Quantity .................................... 4
Manufacturer............................. Bendix Corp.
Steady state performance ....... At constant loads from
Part number .............................. 480517
no load to rated load, the
Military standard........................MS131-2
voltage at the set ter-
Volts.......................................... 24
minals will not deviate
Ground polarity ......................... Negative
more than 1/2 of 1 per-
(14) Heaters (optional equipment).
cent from its average
mean square (rms)
Model ........................................ CP3050
Volts.......................................... 24
Transient performance ............ Performance of the set
Fuel .......................................... Multi
under transient condi-
(15) Adjustment Data.
tions shall be as fol-
Engine intake valves.................0.015 in.
(hot) .
(a) With the set initially operating at no load, rated
Engine exhaust valves .............. 0.020 in.
voltage, and rated frequency (60 cycles), the
rms terminal voltage of the set shall not drop to
(16) Governor System Specifications.
less than 70 percent of no load voltage, when a
Frequency regulation............... The governor is
balanced 3phase, 0.4 pf (or less, lagging), static
to maintain a frequency
suddenly applied to the output terminals of the
regulation within 1/4 of
set. When connected to the specified load, the
one percent of rated fre-
rated voltage within 0.7 seconds and shall
Steady state performance ....... At constant loads from
stabilize at or above this voltage. The above
no load to rated load, the
specified voltage dip shall not be exceeded
governor will maintain
frequency of plus or
above specified impedance is used in place of a
minus 1/4 of one percent
static load, and no reactions shall be set up to
of rated frequency.
Transient performance ........... Following a sudden in-
crease or decrease in
(b) When the set is initially operating at rated
load up to and including
frequency and rated voltage and following any
rated load, the governor-
sudden change in load from no load to full load,
ing system will reestab-
the instantaneous rms voltage shall not drop to
lish stable engine op-
less than 85 percent of rated voltage for 60
erating conditions with-
cycle operation and shall reach stable conditions
in one second. The
within 0.5 second; no overswing or undershoot
maximum transient fre-
of the final voltage may exceed the initial
quency change above or
voltage transient in amplitude. The above
below the new steady
requirements shall also apply when load is
state frequency will not
suddenly changed from full load to no load,
exceed 11/2 percent of
except that the initial voltage transient shall
rated frequency.
involve a voltage rise instead of a dip.
(17) AC Voltage Regulation System Spec-