TM 9-6115-668-131.Install VOLTAGE ADJUST potentiometer R3 (23) and serrated lock washer (22) on rear of frontpanel (4). Install threaded element (21) on VOLTAGE ADJUST potentiometer R3 (23). shaft of potentiometers VOLTAGE ADJUST R3 (23) all theway counterclockwise.Rotate dial (19) with rotary knob (17) all the way counterclockwise.Make sure stop plate (20) is installed in the correct position.Slide stop plate (20) onto shaft of VOLTAGE ADJUST potentiometer R3 (23) so that lower tab ofpotentiometer (23) fits into hole in front panel (4).Install dial (19) and rotary knob (17) on VOLTAGE ADJUST R3 potentiometer (23).Secure rotary knob (17) onto shaft of VOLTAGE ADJUST R3 potentiometer (23) by tighteningsocket head screw (18).Noting correct labeling and position, solder cable (25) to terminals (24) of VOLTAGE ADJUST R3potentiometer (23).6.Stow prop (5) and close front panel (4).7.Close flap (2).4-131
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