TM 9-6115-659-13&P
Operators Manual, Generator Set, Skid Mounted, Tactical Quiet, 5 kW, 60/400 Hz
MEP-802A (60 Hz) 6115-01-274-7387
MEP-812A (400 Hz) 6115-01-274-7391 ..............................................................
TM 9-6115-641-10
Unit, Direct Support and General Support Maintenance Manual, Generator Set,
Skid Mounted, Tactical Quiet, 5 kW, 60/400 Hz
MEP-802A (60 Hz) 6115-01-274-7387
MEP-812A (400 Hz) 6115-01-274-7391 .......................................................
TM 9-6115-641-24
Repair Parts and Special Tools List: Generator Set, Tactical Quiet,
5 kW, 60/400 Hz ..................................................................................................
TM 9-6115-641-24P
Repair Parts and Special Tools List: Diesel Engine, Model No. DN2M,
2 Cylinder .93 Liter ...............................................................................................
TM 9-2815-252-24P
Procedures for Destruction of Equipment to Prevent Enemy Use
(Mobility Equipment Command) ..........................................................................
TM 750-244-3
Lubrication Order: Generator Set, Skid Mounted, Tactical Quiet, 5 kW,
MEP-802A (60 Hz), MEP-812A (400 Hz) ............................................................
LO 9-6115-641-12
Lubrication Order: Diesel Engine, Model No.: DN2M, 2 Cylinder .93 Liter LO 9-2815-252-12
Electrical Power Generation in the Field .......................................................................
FM 20-31
First Aid ................................................................................................................
FM 21-11
Change 2 A3/(A4 Blank)