TM 9-6115-604-34NAVFAC P-8-633-34c.Procedure.WARNINGTo avoid Injury to personnel, no electrical component shall be worked on while energized.When Is necessary to work In the vicinity of energized equipment, all safety precautions shallbe followed, such as use of rubber blankets for Insulation, use of rubber gloves, and use ofInsulating tools and equipment. All Insulating tools such as rubber gloves and blankets shallbe tested regularly. Disconnect all power before servicing. Residual voltage Is present at thegenerator leads even with the regulator turned off. Residual voltages can reach severalhundred volts on this generator. Proper Insulation and Isolation of metering equipment shallbe observed when testing the generator.(1)Preparation for test.(a)Connect the load and field instrumentation in accordance with Figure 12-5, for one voltage andfrequency. Connect the signal input of the recording meter(s) to the convenience receptacle of theset or to the generator coil which is used as the voltage sensing input to the voltage regulator.(Power the recording meter(s) from the commercial utility.)(b)Set the recording meter chart speed(s) to a minimum of 6 inches (152.4 mm) per hour. Thefollowing items shall be recorded on both the data sheets and recording chart(s): 1 The date a Theserial number(s) of the recording meter(s) a Generator set identification 4 The recording chartspeed(s) 5 The data reading number.(c)Place all instrumentation referred to in step b, above, in operation.(2)Test(a)Start and operate the generator set and allow the set to stabilize at rated bad, rated voltage, and ratedfrequency. During this period, operate the recording meter(s) at a chart speed of not less than 6 inches(152.4 mm) per hour, and record all instrument readings, including thermal instrumentation, at minimumintervals of 10 minutes. If necessary, adjustments to the load, voltage, and frequency may be made tomaintain the rated load at the rated voltage and frequency. Adjustments to the voltage and frequency shallbe limited to those adjustments available to the operator: specifically, adjustments to the voltage orfrequency adjust devices. On set utilizing a droop-type speed control system as the prime speed control,the speed and droop portions of the control may be adjusted. No other adjustments to the voltage andfrequency control systems shall be made. Adjustments to load, voltage, or frequency controls shall berecorded on both the data sheet and the recording chart(s) at the time of an adjustment. Stabilization shallbe considered to have occurred when four consecutive voltage and current recorded readings of thegenerator (or exciter) field either remain unchanged, or have only minor variations about an equilibriumcondition with no evident continued increase or decrease in value after the last adjustment to the bad,voltage, or frequency has been made.(b)After stabilization has occurred, drop the bad to no bad, and reapply the rated load in 50 percent loadincrements three times to ensure that the no load and rated load voltage and frequency are repeatable andthat the frequency and voltage regulation is within the limits specified in step d(7), below. If anyadjustments are necessary, step (a), above, must be repeated. Reapply the rated load.(c)The recording meter chart speed(s) shall be 12 inches (305 mm) per minute throughout the remainder ofthis test. a each of the following load conditions, operate the set for a minimum of 40 seconds. Duringeach load condition read and record all instrument readings except thermal instrumentation (for three-phase sets it is not necessary to record line-to-line voltages). Each load condition shall be applied to thegenerator set in one step at the end of the short-term stability period for the previous load condition. Theload conditions are:12-30
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