TM 9-6115-604-34
NAVFAC P-8-633-34
f. Remove the fuel pump suction line, wet the gears with dean lubricating oil, and reinstall the suction line.
g. Engine Run-In. For proper lubrication and run-in, it is important that the engine be allowed to run for at least 15
minutes after the initial start. Be sure all preliminary preparation and adjustments have been completed before the
initial start is made. Once started, the engine shall not be shut down except for the following conditions: low
lubrication oil pressure, high oil temperature, high coolant temperature, high exhaust temperature, no lubricating oil
at the turbochargers, and any unusual noise or vibration. Perform the initial start and engine run-in as follows:
Operate the prelude pump until a pressure of 30 psi (207 kPa) is obtained, then shut off the pump.
Start the engine and adjust the speed to 800 to 1000 rpm. Immediately after starting, check the oil pressure, and
remove the oil drain line at the turbochargers to check for oil flow. Oil pressure should be at least 20 psi (138
kPa), and oil should flow from the turbocharger drain line within 30 seconds. Shut down the engine immediately,
and determine the cause it either the oil pressure or flow is insufficient.
Adjust the dynamometer load to 160 hp (119 Kw) at 900 rpm. Hold this speed and load for at least 15 minutes,
or until a coolant temperature of 160° F (71° C) is reached. During this time, continually monitor the instruments,
and check for the development of oil leaks, fuel leaks, and unusual noise and vibration. Shut the engine down
immediately for any of the following conditions:
Oil pressure falls below 20 psi (138 kPa).
Oil temperature exceeds 225° F (107° C).
Coolant temperature exceeds 200OF (93°C).
Exhaust temperature exceeds 9870 F (531° C).
Oil leakage that would tend to lower oil pressure to the danger point.
Fuel leakage that would present a fire hazard.
With the engine running at the same load and speed as in step (3), above, add coolant and oil as necessary to
top-up the cooling and lubrication systems.
If all preliminary checks are satisfactory, and the engine does not have to be shut down for repairs or
adjustments, continue with the run-in starting at phase 1, in accordance with Table 12-1, and the following
During the run-in continue to monitor engine conditions in accordance with steps (3) and (4), above.
Record the amount of oil added to the crankcase throughout the run-in.
At each phase of the run-in procedure, record all information on a copy of the test log, Figure 12-2. A
copy of the completed test log shall be attached to, and remain with, each engine.
Hold the engine speed and horsepower load at phase 1 for 15 minutes, and any additional time needed
to reach an oil temperature of 1 60°F (71°C).
Hold the engine speed and horsepower load at each phase for the time allotted, and any additional time
required for the crankcase pressure to descend to 18 inches (457 mm) H20.
If the crankcase pressure rises above 22 inches (559 mm) H20 at the start of the next phase, reduce the
speed and load to the preceding phase until the crankcase pressure will remain at 18 inches (457 mm)
H20 or lower.
At the completion of phase 5, return the engine to idle speed and no load, and allow it to idle for at least
5 minutes to remove excess heat from the valve train and turbochargers.
Shut the engine down, allow it to cool to 140°F (60°C) or below, and service in accordance with the test log,
Figure 12-2.
All test data shall be in accordance with Table 12-2. Make any repairs or adjustments to correct defects found
during run-in, and top-up the coolant and lubricant levels as necessary.