TM 9-6115-604-34
NAVFAC P8-633-34
7-7. RADIATOR REMOVAL. Remove the radiator in accordance with the Operator and Organizational Maintenance
Core Assemblies (24, Figure 7-2).
Check for bent fins and bent or damaged gasket surfaces.
Check soldered joints for corrosion.
Check the core tubes for soundness and evidence of internal corrosion. Press lightly against the tube wall;
tubes that dent or penetrate easily have been eaten away by internal corrosion.
Plug or block off either the inlet or outlet tube, and attach a regulated air supply to the other tube.
To avoid damaging or permanently distorting the core, do not exceed an air pressure of 15 psi
(103 kPa).
Immerse the radiator in a water tank, and pressurize the core assemblies (24) to 10 psi (69 kPa). Escaping
air bubbles will show the location of any leak points.
Repair leaks in soldered points or core tubes by soldering in accordance with MIL-S-6872. After soldering,
test for leaks.
Straighten bent fins of the core assemblies (24).
Reverse flush the core assemblies (24) thoroughly using a flushing gun MIL-G-14562. Attach the flushing
gun to the core outlet tube, allow the core assembly to fill with water, and flush, using short bursts of air
pressure. Apply the air pressure gradually, and allow the core assemblies to fill with water between each
burst. Continue the flushing procedure until all traces of rust and scale have been removed. This will be
evident by dear water flowing from the inlet tube.
Gaskets (see Figure 7-2). Inspect gaskets for evidence of leakage and for signs of damage. Repair damaged
radiator gaskets by disassembling radiator to replace the gaskets.
Structural Members (see Figure 7-2). Inspect structural members for cracks, tears, and signs of damage. Repair
damaged structural members by welding cracks and tears in accordance with paragraph 2-9.
Top and Bottom Tank Assemblies (15 and 16, Figure 7-2). Inspect the top and bottom tank assemblies (15 and
16) for signs of damage. Using a suitable straight edge, check the top and bottom tank assemblies (15 and 16)
for warping or distortion. Replace components which are damaged, warped, or distorted.
7-9. RADIATOR DISASSEMBLY. See Figure 7-2.
Remove hexagon head capscrews (1), hexagonal nuts (2), flat washers (3), and lockwashers (4), and remove
shroud assembly (5).
Remove hexagon head capscrews (6 and 7), flat washers (8), and lockwashers (9) to remove left side assembly
(10) and right side assembly (11).
Remove hexagon head capscrews (1 2), hexagonal nuts (13), and lockwashers (14) to remove top tank assembly
(15), bottom tank assembly (16), header bars (17) and front/rear header bars (18), and header gaskets (19).
Remove hexagon head capscrews (20), flat washers (21), lockwashers (22), and hexagonal nuts (23) to separate
core assemblies (24), center ring assembly (25), header bars (26), front/rear header bars (27), and header
gaskets (28).
Dry cleaning solvent PD680, Type IIl, or equivalent, is flammable and moderately toxic to the
skin, eyes, and respiratory tract. Assure adequate ventilation. Skin, eye, and respiratory
protection is required to avoid injury to personnel.
Clean all parts, except the core assemblies (24), in cleaning solvent PD-68M, Type IIl, or equivalent.