TM 9-6115-604-34
NAVFAC P-8-633-34
Whenever the generator is disassembled, the windings should be given a thorough inspection and the insulation
cleaned, if necessary. The inspection should cover the condition of the windings and insulation, and the
effectiveness of the supporting ties as evidenced by rigidity of the coil end turns.
Adequate ventilation must be available to avoid fire, explosion, and health
hazards where solvents are used Avoid breathing solvent vapors Rubber gloves
or other suitable protection for the hands should be used.
Dry cleaning solvent, PD-680, type 11, or equivalent, Is flammable and moderately
toxic to the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract. Assure adequate ventilation.
Care must be taken not to get solvent on insulating varnishes or deterioration of
varnish will occur.
Safety type solvent, such as PD-680, Type 11, or equivalent, should be used. The flash point of any solvent
used should be greater than 1 000F (38"C).
Solvent is usually required to remove accumulated soil containing oil or grease. A wet rag with solvent is
suitable for wiping. Dry components thoroughly with moisture-free, low-pressure compressed air.
Compressed air used for cleaning or drying can create airborne particles that may
enter the eyes. Pressure shall not exceed 30 psi (207 kPa). Wearing of goggles Is
required to avoid Injury to personnel.
Cleaning with a dry cloth may be satisfactory when components are small, and the surfaces are accessible.
Blowing dirt out with compressed air is usually effective particularly when the dirt has collected in places which
cannot be reached with a cloth. Use dean dry air at 30 psi (207 kPa).
Dust and dirt may be removed by brushing with bristle brushes followed by vacuum deaning. Do not use wire
brushes. Vacuum deaning is an effective and desirable method of removing dust and dirt.
Electrical components, after deaning, storing, or shipping must be dried before placing in operation if tests
indicate that the insulation resistance is below a safe value. See approved drying procedures in paragraph 5-4.
5-6. TESTING GENERATOR G1. The following tests are used to check minimum insulation resistance while the
generator is installed on the generator set. This group of tests is performed using 5 k V dc and 500 V dc megohmmeters.
Additional testing of the generator is accomplished by performing tests on the individual components.
Main Stator.
Shut down the generator set completely in accordance with paragraph 2-5 of the Operator and
Organizational Maintenance Manual.
Open main disconnect switch S120 in accordance with the Operator and Organizational Maintenance
Place load cables In the park position prior to grounding generator leads. Failure
to do so may result In Injury to personnel.
Remove rear cabinet B access panel. Use grounding stick to discharge generator leadsT1, T2, and T3
where they connect to bad circuit breaker CB1 01.