ARMY TM 9-611604-12
NAVY NAVFAC P-8-633-12
Table 1-4. Minimum Body Clearances
5000 to 8700
1 foot (0.305 m)
8700 to 15,000
2 feet (0 609 m)
15000 to 50,000
3 feet (0 914 m)
50,000 to 70,000
5 feet (1.524 m)
1-11. SCOPE. This section outlines and describes the use of forms and tags as well as work procedures related to deen-
ergized and energized lines and equipment, which must be in accordance with AR 385-10 and ER385-1-1.
1-12. GENERAL. Electric lines or equipment must be deenergized and covered by the Safe Clearance procedure pre-
scribed in paragraph 1-13 before work is performed.
1-13. SAFE CLEARANCE PROCEDURE. The procedure prescribed herein must be followed for all work performed on
deenergized lines and equipment operating above 600 volts Use of DA forms 5-132, 4324, and 5-134 is involved
a Forms.
(1) Safe Clearance. DA Form 5-132, Safe Clearance (Electrical Facilities) must be used for all work on deenergized
electric lines and equipment operating above 600 volts Red tags (DA Form 4324) must be used in connection
with this form Yellow tags (DA Form 5-134) are used at the discretion of the supervisor.
(2) Red Tags Red tags (DA Form 4324) are used in connection with a Safe Clearance. Red tags must never be used
for other than the protection of personnel working under a Safe Clearance Information entered on red tags
includes the name of the installation, related Safe Clearance number, and identity of the affected line or
equipment. Spaces are provided for signatures of personnel who are involved in placing or removing the tags as
well as the times and dates of these actions.
(3) Yellow Tags. Yellow tags (DA Form 5-134) are used to indicate abnormal operating conditions of lines or
equipment and are never used for the protection of personnel working under a Safe Clearance. Information
entered on yellow tags includes the name of the installation and identity of the affected line or equipment.
Abnormal and/or special conditions are noted in appropriate areas. Spaces are provided for signatures of
personnel who are involved In placing or removing the tags as well as the times and dates of these actions.
b. Safe Clearance Procedures Detailed Instructions, Section By Section, Of The Safe Clearance Form (Da Form 5-132)
Are As Follows:
Number. A consecutive number must be assigned from records maintained in the supervisor's office. Place the
applicable number in the right hand box.
Other Numbers. If more than one Safe Clearance is to be issued on the same line or equipment, show in this box
the numbers of the other clearances.
Line or Equipment Involved. Give a brief description of the lines or equipment on which work is to be performed.
This information may be filled in as much in advance of actual time of issuance as required.
Time Applied Progressing downward in proper sequence on the form, fill in opposite each detail (blocking,
switching, and/or tagging) the actual time each detail is performed.