ARMY TM 9-6115-604-12
NAVY NAVFAC P-8-633-12
MAINTENANCE OF LOAD TERMINALS. The load terminals are located inside the load (output) cable bay at
the left exterior housing and are used to connect the load (output) cables to the generator set.
Shut down generator set in accordance with Chapter 2 of this manual.
See Figure 1-3. Open load cable bay cover assembly. Disconnect load cables L1, L2, L3, and L0
inside load cable bay and park on the corresponding standoff.
See figure 3-26. Remove cabinet A rear access panel. Apply grounding stick momentarily at all
load terminal conductor ends inside cabinet to discharge any residual voltages that may be present.
Apply grounding stick to all other cabinet components.
Visually inspect rear load terminal bushings for cracks, signs of overheating, and other damage.
Check terminal lug connections at rear for secure mounting. Check wiring for signs of Insulation
breakdown such as cracked sleeves and burned Insulation. Reinstall rear cabinet A access panel.
Open load (output) cable bay cover assembly (See figure 1-3). Inspect load cable terminal bushings
L0, L1, L2, and L3 for cleanliness, cracks, signs of overheating, and secure mounting. Check
that the conductor terminal inside each bushing is clean and free from any obstruction.
Reconnect load cables L1, L2, L3, and L0, if needed. Close cover assembly.
To avoid death or injury to personnel, no electrical component will be worked on
while energized. Ensure equipment is "tagged out" in accordance with Chapter 1,
Section III of this manual and equipment is NOT energized. Residual voltage is
present at the generator leads with the regulator turned off, reaching SEVERAL
HUNDRED VOLTS on the generator set. Proper insulation and isolation of
metering equipment must be observed when testing this generator. USE PROPER
TEST EQUIPMENT TO CHECK FOR VOLTAGE before proceeding with work.
(1 )
Shut down generator set in accordance with Chapter 2 of this manual.
Open main disconnect switch S120 in accordance with paragraph 4-3.
See figure 1-7. Remove generator conduit box cover assembly by removing hexagon head screws.
Tag and disconnect wiring from current transformers CT2 and CT3 located on either interior side of the
conduit box assembly.
With multimeter set for resistive reading (RX1) check winding of each current transformer for continuity.
Resistance reading should be less than 1 ohm (typical).
Connect a 500 V dc megohmmeter across ether transformer lead and to ground. Operate megohmmeter
for 60 seconds and monitor resistance reading. Perform this procedure on both transformers.
Megohmmeter resistance reading for each transformer should be no less than 100 megohms.
Reinstall conduit box cover assembly using hexagon head screws.