ARMY TM 9-6115-604-12
NAVY NAVFAC P-8-633-12
3-4. GENERAL. To insure that the generator set is ready for operation at all times, it must be inspected systematically
so that defects may be discovered and corrected before they result In serious damage or failure. The necessary PMCS
to be performed are listed and described in paragraph 3-5. Defects discovered during operation of the unit will be noted
for future correction to be made as soon as operation has ceased. Stop operation Immediately if a deficiency Is noticed
which would damage the equipment if operation were continued.
a. Before You Operate. Always keep in mind the CAUTIONS and WARNINGS. Perform your BEFORE PMCS.
b. While You Operate. Always keep In mind the CAUTIONS and WARNINGS. Perform your DURING PMCS.
c. After You Operate. Be sure to perform your AFTER PMCS
When a check and service procedure is required for both weekly and before Intervals, it is not necessary to perform the
weekly procedure during the same week In which the before procedure was done.
d. Perform weekly PMCS once weekly.
When a check and service procedure is required for both monthly and before intervals, it is not necessary to perform the
monthly procedure during the same week in which the before procedure was done.
e. Perform monthly PMCS once monthly.
f. Use DA Form 2404 (Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet) to record any faults that you discover
before, during, or after operation, unless you can fix them, you DO NOT need to record faults that you fix.
a. Your Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services. Table 3-2 lists inspections and care required to keep your
equipment in good operating condition. The check and service procedures are grouped according to their
intervals, which are before, during, after, weekly, monthly.
b. The Item No column of Table 3-2 contains the number assigned to each check or service procedure of the
c. The INTERVAL column of Table 3-2 tells you when to do a certain check or service.
d. LOCATION, ITEM TO CHECK/SERVICE column of Table 3-2 provides the location of the item within the
equipment and name of the item to be checked or serviced.
e. The PROCEDURE column of Table 3-2 tells you how to do required checks and services Carefully follow these
Terms ready/available and mission capable refer to same status Equipment is on hand and ready to perform its combat
missions (See DA Pam 738-750).
f. The NOT FULLY MISSION CAPABLE IF column In Table 3-2 tells you when your equipment Is nonmission
capable and why it cannot be used.
If the equipment does not perform as required, refer to Chapter 3, Section IV, Troubleshooting.
It is necessary for you to know how fluid leakage affects the status of the equipment. Following are types/classes of leak-
age an operator needs to know to be able to determine the status of the equipment. Learn these leakage definitions and
remember - when In doubt, notify your supervisor.