(11) Install cable clamp (61), screw (60), and nut and captive washer assembly (59).
(12) Install resistor R3 (58), mounting bracket (57), screw (56), and nut and captive washer assembly
(13) Install resistor R2 and R1 (54 and 53), mounting bracket (52), mica washer (51), screw (50), washers
(49), nut and captive washer assembly (48), screw (47), nut and captive washer assembly (46).
(14) Install transformer (45), screw (44), and nut and captive washer assembly (43).
(15) Install capacitor C2 (42), mounting bracket (41), screw (40), and nut and captive washer assembly
(16) Install voltage regulator assembly (38), and screw (37) on chassis (68).
(17) Install transformer (36), screw (35), and nut and captive washer assembly (34).
(18) Install terminals (32), and nut and captive washer assemblies (33 and 31).
(19) Install bracket (30), Iockwasher (29), capacitor (28), screw (27), and nuts (26 and 25).
(20) Install transformer (24), screw (23), and nut and captive washer assembly (22).
(21) Install terminal board (21), screw (20), and nut and captive washer assembly (19).
(22) Install heat sink support (18), heat sink (17), screws (16), and nut and captive washer assembly (15).
(23) Install semiconductor (14), semiconductor, terminal lug (12) and wire (11).
(24) Install screw (10), and nut and captive washer assembly (9).
(25) Install heat sink assembly (8), and secure with screw (7), flat washer (6) and nut and captive washer
assembly (5).
f. Testing.
(1) Perform sensing circuit bench test as follows:
The chassis cover (4, figure 3-130) must be removed to perform the bench test.
(a) Connect static exciter and voltage regulator assembly into test circuit shown in figure 3-134.
(b) Adjust power source until V1 shows 95 Vac (any frequency between 50 and 400 Hz).
(c) Check for 22 Vdc across R15 (connect voltmeter V2, positive side to cathode of CR11, and
negative side to heat sink where CR4-CR6 are mounted).
(2) Conduct power circuit bench test as follows:
(a) Install static exciter and voltage regulator assembly into test circuit shown in figure 3-135.
(b) Adjust power source to 208 Vac at the rated frequency for the unit as indicated on voltmeter V1.
(c) For 400 Hz units only apply 50-75 Vac, 400 Hz to terminals A and B of connector J9.
(d) Voltmeter V2 should indicate 48 Vdc.
(3) Conduct boost circuit bench test as follows:
ARMY TM 9-6115-464-34
AIR FORCE 35C2-3-445-2
NAVY NAVFAC P-8-624-34