TM 9-6115-464-24PTO 35C2-3-445-4NAVFAC P-8-624-24PRecoverability CodesDefinitionZNonreparable item. When unservicable, condemn and dispose at the level indicated in column 3.OReparable item. When uneconomically reparable, condemn and dispose at organizational level.FReparable item. When uneconomically reparable, condemn and dispose at the followingintermediate Ievels:USAF—lntermediate (*)USA-Direct Support (*)USN-AfloatUSMC-3rd EchelonHReparable item. When uneconomically reparable, condemn and dispose at the following levels:USAF—intermediate (*)USA-General Support (*)USN-AshoreUSMC-4th EchelonDReparable item. When beyond lower level repair capability, return to depot. Condemnation anddisposal not authorized below depot level.LReparable item. Repair, condemnation and disposal not authorized below depot/Specialized RepairActivity level.AItem requires special handling or condemnation procedure because of specific reasons (i.e.,precious metal content, high-dollar value, critical material or hazardous material). Refer toappropriate manuals/directives for specific instructions.c. (USMC) Special Stockage indicator Code and Replacement Factor Column (3).(1) Special Stockage Indicator Code (Column 3a). This column reflects the condition under whichcertain maintenance parts, (parts assigned NSNs and coded in the “P” series source code of the SMR code),are stocked. The codes are explained as follows:No Code Indicates that the part mayor may not be authorized in initial allowances to using or supportingorganizations. The manner of determining initial allowances is explained in paragraph (2) below.IApplied to maintenance parts for which predicted consumption would not warrant inclusion inMount-Out but for which a quantity of one (1) is authorized as insurance for Mount-Out using a360-day criteria. This criteria is based on the total density of equipments employed by theDIV/WING TEAM. Mount-Out allowances, so authorized, will be stocked by the FSR or the MWSGin the case of Marine Wing peculiar equipment, as applicable.DApplied to maintenance parts that are not considered critical or essential to be on hand and are,therefore, not authorized in initial allowances; however, these items are stocked within the SupplySystem and may be requisitioned based upon usage.TIndicates that the part is authorized in garrison operating allowances in order to comply with stateand local laws; however, the part is not authorized in Mount-Out since it is not combat essential.5
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