TM-6115-634-14&PNAVFAC P-8-647-14&PT0-35C2-3-445-14TM-6115-14&P/1an item by correcting specific damage,fault, malfunction, or failure in apart, subassembly module (component orassembly), end item, or system.j. Overhaul.That maintenance effort(service/action) prescribed to restorean item to a completely serviceable/operational condition as required bymaintenance standards in appropriatetechnical publications (i.e., DMWR).Overhaul is normally the highest degreeof maintenance performed by the Army.Overhaul does not normally return anitem to like new condition.k. Rebuild.Consists of thoseservices/actions necessary for therestoration of unserviceable equipmentto a like new condition in accordancewith original manufacturing standards.Rebuild is the highest degree ofmateriel maintenance applied to Armyequipment.The rebuild operation in-cludes the act of returning to zerothose age measurements (hours/miles,etc.) considered in classifying Armyequipment/components.6-3. Explanation of Columns in the MAC,Section II.a. Column 1, Group Number. Column 1lists functional group code numbers thepurpose of which is to identify mainte-nance significant components, assem-blies, subassemblies and modules withthe next higher assembly. End itemgroup number shall be “00”.b.Column 2, Component/Assembly.Column 2 contains the names of compo-nents, assemblies, subassemblies andmodules for which maintenance isauthorized.c. Column 3, Maintenance Function.Column 3 lists the functions to be per-formed on the item listed in Column 2.(For detailed explanation of thesefunctions, see paragraph B-2.)d. Column, 4, Maintenance Level.Column 4 specifies (by listing of a worktime figure in the appropriate subcol-B-2umn(s)), the level of maintenance au-thorized to perform the function listedin Column 3.This figure represents theactive time required to perform thatmaintenance function at the indicatedlevel of maintenance. If the number orcomplexity of the tasks within the listedmaintenance function vary at differentmaintenance levels, appropriate worktime figures will be shown for eachlevel.The work time figure representsthe average time required to restore anitem (assembly, subassembly, component,module, end item, or system) to a service-able condition under typical field oper-ating conditions.This time includespreparation time (including any necessarydisassembly/assembly time), troubleshoot-ing/fault location time and qualityassurance/quality control time; in addi-tion, to the time required to performthe specific tasks identified for themaintenance functions authorized in themaintenance allocation chart.The symboldesignations for the various maintenancelevels are as follows:C. . . . .O. . . . .F. . . . .H. . . . .L. . . . .D. . . . .Operator or CrewUnit MaintenanceIntermediate Direct SupportMaintenanceIntermediate General SupportMaintenanceSpecialized Repair Activity(SRA)Depot Maintenancee.Column 5, Tools and Equipment.Column 5 specifies, by code, those commontool sets (not individual tools) andspecial tools, TMDE and support equipmentrequired to perform the designated func-tion.f. Column 6, Remarks. This columnshall, when applicable, contain a lettercode, in alphabetic order, which shallbe keyed to the remarks contained inSection IV.
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