TM5-6115-634-14&PNAVFAC P-8-647-14&PT0-35C2-3-445-14TM-6115-14&P/1APPENDIX BMAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTSection I.INTRODUCTIONB-1 .General.a. This section provides a generalexplanation of all maintenance andrepair functions authorized at variousmaintenance levels.b. The Maintenance Allocation Chart(MAC) in Section II designates overallauthority and responsibility for theperformance of maintenance functions onPU 794/G.It does not include thegenerator set or trailer componentsexcept modifications included in TM5-6115-464-12 and TM9-330-205-14&P. Theapplication of the maintenance functionsto the end item or component will beconsistent with the capacities and capa-bilities of designated maintenancelevels.c.Section III lists the tools andtest equipment (both special tools andcommon tool sets) required for eachmaintenance function as referenced fromSection II.d.Section IV contains supplementalinstructions and explanatory notes for aparticular maintenance function.B-2. Maintenance Functions. Mainte-nance functions will be limited to anddefined as follows:a.Inspect.To determine the ser-viceability of an item by comparing itsphysical, mechanical and/or electricalcharacteristics with established stan-dards through examination (e.g., sight,sound, or feel).b. Test.To verify serviceability bymeasuring the mechanical, pneumatic,hydraulic, or electrical characteristicsof an item and comparing those char-acteristics with prescribed standards.c. Service.Operations requiredperiodically to keep an item in properoperating condition, i.e., to clean(includes decontaminate, when required),preserve, drain, paint, or to replenishfuel, lubricants, chemical fluids, orgases.d. Adjust.To maintain or regulate,within prescribed limits, by bringinginto proper or exact position, or bysetting the operating characteristics tospecified parameters.e. Aline.To adjust specified vari-able elements of an item to bring aboutoptimum or desired performance.f.Calibrate.To determine and causecorrections to be made or to be adjustedon instruments or test, measuring anddiagnostic equipments used in precisionmeasurement.Consists of comparisons oftwo instruments, one of which is a cer-tified standard of known accuracy, todetect and adjust any discrepancy in theaccuracy of the instrument being compared.g.Remove/Install. To remove andinstall the same item when required toperform service or other maintenancefunctions.Install may be the act ofemplacing, seating, or fixing intoposition a spare or repair part ofmodule (component or assembly) in amanner to allow the proper functioningof an equipment or system.h.Replace.To remove an unservice-able item and install a serviceablecounterpart in its place.“Replace” isauthorized by the MAC and is shown asthe third position code of the SMR code.i.Repair.The application of main-tenance services, including fault loca-tion/troubleshooting, removal/installa-tion, disassembly/assembly proceduresand maintenance actions to identifytroubles and restore serviceability toB-1
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