4. Special Information
a. (ALL) Identification of the usable on codes are:
Used On
Serial Numbers
EZ00001 thru EZ00118
EZ00001 and UP
BZ00001 and UP
Uncoded items are applicable to all models.
b. Army organizational maintenance personnel will
extract the items which they require from Section II, 3rd or
4th position of column 2 of the direct and general support
RPSTL. Parts which are manufactured or assembled at a
higher level than that authorized to install the part are
indicated by use of higher level code in the source column.
c. Stockage Information.
(1) Air Force stockage information is contained in
Initial Supply Support Lists issued separately from this
publication by Sacramento Air Logistics Center in accor-
dance with AFM 67-1, part 1, chapter 12.
(2) Navy stockage objectives are contained in Con-
solidated Shipboard Allowance List as furnished separate-
ly from this publication by the Ship Parts Control Center.
(3) Marine Corps stockage information is contained in
column 3a and 3b of the tabular listing of this publication.
(4) Army stockage is demand based in accordance with
AR 710-2. Repair parts listed in this publication represent
those authorized for use at indicated maintenance levels
and will be requisitioned on an as-required basis until
stockage is justified in accordance with AR 710-2.
5. How to Locate Repair Parts
a. (ALL) When National Stock Number or reference
number is unknown:
(1) Using the table of contents, determine the func-
tional group; i.e., batteries and related parts, exhaust and
breather pipes, within which the repair part belongs. This is
necessary since illustrations are prepared for functional
groups, and listings are divided into the same groups.
(2) Find the illustration coveting the functional group
to which the repair part belongs.
(3) Identify the repair part on the illustration and note
the illustration figure and item number of the repair part.
(4) Using the Repair Parts Listing, find the figure and
item number noted on the illustration.
b. (ALL) When national stock number or reference
number is known:
(1) Using the Index of National Stock Numbers and
Reference Numbers, find the pertinent national stock
number or reference number. This index is in ascending
NSN sequence followed by a list of reference numbers in
alphanumeric sequence, cross-referenced to the illustra-
tion figure number and item number.
NAVFAC P-8-623-24P
(2) After finding the figure and item number, Iocate the
figure and item number in the repair parts list.
6. (F) Use of the reference designator Index Section.
This Section (Section V) is used when the reference
designator is known or identified by other technical
manuals supporting this equipment. The reference number
is given in this Section. If description or location is desired,
note the figure and item number. Turn to Section II to the
noted figure and item number. The location of the part and
description is given in this listing.
7. Abbreviations. All abbreviations are in accordance
with MIL-STD-12.
8. Federal Supply Codes for Manufacturers.
Wheeler Mfg. Corp.
3744 Jefferson Road N
Ashtabula, OH 44004
Circle Seal Microporous Filter
Brunswick Corp., Technetics Division,
Anaheim CA.
A and M Instrument Inc.
5 Nassau St.
Rockville Center, LI, NY 11571
Glauber Valve Co.
4520 South 36th St.
Omaha, NE 68107
Donaldson Co. Inc.
1400 West 94th St.
Minneapolis, MN 55431
US Army Tank-Automotive Materiel
Readiness Command TARCOM
Warren, Ml 48090
Prestolite Co., The Division of
Eltra Corp.
511 Hamilton St.
P.O. Box 931
Toledo, OH 43601
Craftneeds Inc.
P.O. Box 44068
Cincinnati, OH 45244
The Gates Rubber Co.
999 South Broadway
Denver, CO 80217
General Motor Corp.
3044 Grand Blvd. W
Detroit, Ml 48202
Imperial-Eastman Corp.
Imperial Division
6300 W. Howard St.
Chicago, ILL 60648
Project Manager
Mobil Electric Power
U.S. Development and Readiness Command
5001 Eisenhower Ave.
Alexandria, VA 22333
Custom Coils Inc.
P.O. Box 338
Alcester, SD 57001