Do not submerge armature, or
field coils in solvent.
2. Clean field coils and frame thoroughly
with a cloth dampened with cleaning solvent Federal
Specification P-D-680.
Dry thoroughly with comp-
ressed air.
3. Remove loose particles from arma-
ture with compressed air and wipe with a clean cloth
dampened with cleaning solvent. Clean commutator
lightly with number 00 sandpaper and remove all
traces of dust with low-pressure compressed air.
4. Clean brush holders with a brush and
cleaning solvent, Federal Specification P-D-680, and
dry them thoroughly with compressed air.
5. Clean brushes with a clean, dry cloth
only. Do not permit cleaning solvent to come in con-
tact with the brushes.
(b) Inspection.
1. Test field coils for insulation break-
down with megger connected between frame and one
coil terminal. Minimum resistance reading permis-
sible is one megohm.
Replace motor assembly if coil
is defective.
2. Test armature for grounds with a test
light. Touch a test light probe to the armature core
and the other probe to a commutator bar riser. If
test light glows, armature is grounded. Repeat test
for all commutator bars.
3. Test armature for short circuits using
a growler fixture.
(4) Repair.
(a) Housing and commutator end head.
1. Smooth minor scratches burrs, and
dents on machined surfaces using a fine mill file.
2. Repair damaged threads.
(b) Armature.
1. Resurface commutator by removing no
more than 0.005 inch during any one cut and no more
than 0.002 inch on final cut. Check that the final dia-
meter of commutator is not less than 0. 925 inches.
2. If commutator diameter is satisfactory,
undercut mica to a depth of 0. 025 to 0. 032 inch below
commutator surface.
Use care in undercutting. Do not widen
commutator slots by removing metal from
segments, and do not leave thin edge of
mica next to segment.
3. After the mica has been undercut,
remove all copper and mica particles with compressed
Polish the commutator in a lathe with number
2/0 sandpaper while the armature is rotating at 1500
rpm. After polishing the armature, check that com-
mutator diameter is not less than 0. 925 inches. Re-
place if diameter is less.
4. After repair work has been completed,
repeat steps 2 and 3 of e(3)(a) above.
(c) Field coil assembly.
1. Smooth minor scratches, burrs, and
nicks on machined surfaces of frame using fine mill
2. Repair damaged threads in frame.
3. Replace motor assembly if field coil
insulation resistance is less than one megohm.
(5) Reassembly.
Reassemble fan and mot or
assembly in reverse order of disassembly.
(6) Bench tests.
(a) Energize the fan motor with 115 Vdc.
(b) Check the speed of the armature on the
Minimum speed should be 3600 rpm.
(c) Check the current draw on the ammeter.
Maximum current draw should be 1.8 amperes.
(7) Installation.
Refer to Operator and Organ-
izational Maintenance Manual and install the fan and
motor assembly.
f. Circuit Breaker. Refer to Operator and Org-
animational Maintenance Manual.
g. Indicator Light. Refer to Operator and Organ-
izational Maintenance Manual.
h. Load Reject Switch. Refer to Operator and
Organizational Maintenance Manual.
i. Terminal Board. Refer to Operator and Org-
anizational Maintenance Manual.
j. Thermostat.
Refer to Operator and Organi-
zational Maintenance Manual.
k. Heater Elements.
Refer to Operator and
Organizational Maintenance Manual.
l. Replace all Defective Components.
17-27. Reassembly and Installation.
a. Reassembly.
See figure 17-7 and the Operator
and Organizational Maintenance Manual and reassem-
ble the load bank.
b. Installation.
Refer to the Operator and Org-
anizational Maintenance Manual and install the load
bank on the generator set.