(2) Secure the drive gear in a vise with pro-
tective copper jaws.
Remove capscrew and washer
securing gear to shaft.
The fit of the gear to the
shaft is 0.0017 to 0.0002 inch loose. Remove gear
from shaft. If necessary, use gear puller.
(3) The clearance of the bearing assembly on
the shaft is 0.0000 inch to 0.0013 inch interference
fit and the clearance of the bearing in the housing is
0.000 to 0.002 inch interference fit.
The bearing
outer diameter is 1.980 to 1.981 inches.
(4) Place drive assembly in a press with the
hydraulic pump mounting side down and drive shaft
from the housing,
When removing the shaft from the
housing, one cone will remain on the
shaft and the other will fall out. The
bearing races will remain in the
(5) Remove front bearing cone and cone spacer
from housing.
Do not intermix front and rear bearing
cones and races if bearings are to be
(6) If the bearings require replacement, press
rear bearing cone from shaft.
(7) Using a puller, remove front bearing race
from housing.
Remove bearing race separator from
its groove in the housing.
Remove rear bearing race
from housing.
14-15. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
a. Wash all parts in cleaning solvent, Federal
Specification P-D-680.
b. Inspect hydraulic pump drive gear and replace
if gear is worn, scored, chipped, or has broken
c. Replace bearings if races or rollers are worn,
pitted, or scored.
Bearings must be replaced when
rebuilding pump.
The tapered bearings must be replaced
as an assembly.
The assembly con-
sists of the bearing cones, cone spacer,
races and race spacer. The spacers
are factory selected to give the proper
end clearance.
d. Replace all defective parts as required. Bear-
inga, O-rings, and gaskets must be replaced during
14-16. Reassembly, Installation, and Adjustment.
a. Place drive assembly in a press with the hy-
draulic pump mounting side down and press rear
bearing race into housing so that it is approximately
1/4 inch below the mounting surface.
b. Position bearing race spacer in housing next
to the rear race.
Slowly press both the spacer and
bearing race into the housing until the spacer snaps
into place.
c. Press the front bearing race in the housing
until it contacts the race spacer.
d. Press the rear bearing cone onto the shaft
until it contacts the shoulder.
e. Install the shaft into the housing from the hy-
draulic pump side.
f. Position the cone spacer on the shaft.
g. Press the front bearing cone onto the shaft.
h. Install gear on shaft with washer and capscrew.
i. Lubricate bearings with engine oil. Tighten
capscrew to 95-105 foot-pounds. Strike both ends of
the shaft with a soft-headed hammer. Again tighten
the capscrew to 95-105 foot-pounds. Shaft and bear-
ings should turn freely when spun by hand.
j. The mounted end play is 0.001 to 0. 013 inch.
k. Install hydraulic oil pump on hydraulic pump
adapter with three screws and lock washer.
l. Use a new 0-ring and install the hydraulic
pump adapter and drive assembly and pump to the
front support plate with lock washer, nuts and bolts;
tighten the nuts securely.
m. Connect oil return line to pump.
To facilitate assembly and prevent
galling, coat all mating and bore
surfaces of bearing with clean en-
gine oil, or other suitable lubricant.
n. Connect a 0-400 PSI gauge with tee to the output
of the hydraulic pump.
o. Connect hydraulic oil line between filter and
pressure gauge.