c. Special Relay Box Assembly.
(1) See figure 8-6 and disassemble the special
relay box assembly as follows:
(a) Remove screws (1) which secure cover
(44) to housing (79).
(b) Remove screws (1) which secure panel
(2) to housing (79).
(c) Remove screws (11, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22,
24, 26, arid 28) and nuts (12, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25,
27, and 29) which secure wiring harness connectors to,
cover (44) and housing (79), and remove gaskets (31,
32, 33, 34, 35 and 37) and cover (44).
(d) Remove attaching hardware from all
components within the special relay box and remove
wiring harness (30) with components connected.
(e) Tag and disconnect wiring harness leads
from components.
(2) See figure 8-5 to disassemble the resistor
assembly of the special relay box assembly (Mode II
Sets only).
(3) See figure 8-7 to disassemble the dc relay
assembly of the special relay box assembly.
8-7. Inspection and Testing.
a. Tactical Relay Box Assembly.
(1) Inspect all components for signs of physical
(2) Test the short circuit relay as follows:
(a) Connect a light and a 24 Vdc power sup-
ply in series with terminals 5 and 6 (DS1), also with
terminals 7 and 8 (DS2). Relay trip will be indicated
by the two lights.
DS1 shall extinguish; DS2 shall
See figure 8-8 for test setup.
(b) Connect a variable (0 to 120 volts) ac
voltage source (50 to 400 Hz) between terminals 1 and
4 and slowly increase the voltage. The relay shall
transfer lights when voltage equals 24 volts - 1 volt.
Repeat the test with the input connected to 2 and 4, and
then again, between 3 and 4 by moving switch S2. The
trip points should be within 1 volt of each other.
(c) Terminals 5, 6, 7, 8 and terminals 1,
2, 3, 4 shall be electrically isolated with the relay in
either position.
(3) Test the overvoltage relay as follows.
(a) Connect a variable (0 to 160 volts) ac
voltage source and variable frequency (50 to 450 Hz)
source to terminals 1 and 2. (See fig. 8-9. )
(b) Connect a lamp and 24 Vdc power supply
in series with terminals 3 and 4 (DS1), also with
terminals 7 and 8 (DS2).
(c) Set voltage to 120 volts on terminals
1 and 2 and vary the frequency from 50 to 450 Hz.
DS1 should stay lit and DS2 shall remain exting-
(d) Slowly increase the voltage to 149 volts.
Vary the frequency from 350 to 450 Hz. DS1 should
stay lit and DS2 shall remain extinguished.
(c) Slowly increase the voltage to 154 volts.
Vary the frequency from 50 to 100 Hz. DS1 should
stay lit and DS2 shall remain extinguished.
(f) Set the frequency at 50 Hz and increase
the voltage to 156 volts.
DS1 shall extinguish and
DS2 shall light.
Repeat for the frequency at 60, 70
and 100 Hz. After each trip, remove ac power to
clear the relay.
(g) Set the frequency at 350 Hz and increase
the voltage to 151 volts.
DS1 shall extinguish and DS2
shall light.
Repeat for the frequency 400 to 450 Hz.
After each trip, remove ac power to clear the relay.
(h) Terminals 3, 4, 5, and 6, 7, 8 and
terminalsl and 2 shall be electrically isolated.
(4) Test the reverse power relay as follows:
(a) Connect relay as illustrated in figure
(b) With all switches open, energize 5 Vdc
variable power supply and adjust until V1 reads 3
volts .
(c) Position switch S2 to B. Energize 24
Vdc supply and close switches S4, S1, and S5. Lamp
DS2 should light and DS1 should be extinguished.
(d) Energize 0 to 10 Vac power supply and
adjust voltage until V2 indicates 5 volts. Adjust O to
5 Vdc supply to a value less than 1 Vdc shown on V1.
Position switch S2 to A and close switch S3. Raise
voltage of 0 to 5 Vdc power supply until DS2 exting-
uishes and DS1 lights.
DS1 should light when V1
indicates 1 to 3 volts.
(5) Test the overload relay as follows:
(a) Connect the relay in the test setup shown
in figure 8-11.
(b) With the 120/208 Vac power source ener-
gized, turn on the 24 Vdc power supply and close switch
S1. Lamp DS1 should light and DS2 should be exting-
(c) Adjust autotransformers T1. T2 and T3
until ammeters Al, A2, and A3 indicate 0.75 ampere.
DS1 and DS2 should not change states.
(d) Adjust autotransformer T1 until ammeter
Al indicates O. 975 ampere. After ± 2 minutes, DS1
and DS2 should transfer states.
Change 1 8-9