TM 5-6115-545-12
TO 35C2-3-444-l
NAVFAC P-8-626-12
Unloading Equipment.
The dry weight of the engine generator set is 4240 pounds
(50/60 Hz utility set), 4300 pounds (50/60 Hz precise set) or
4400 pounds (400 Hz set). A crane, fork lift or similar lifting
device or fabricated skids must be used to unload the equipment.
The equipment must be kept in the UP position while unloading.
Do not use a lifting device with a capacity of less
than 6,000 pounds. Do not allow the crated
generator set to swing while it is suspended. Failure
to observe this warning may result in serious injury
or death to personnel.
2-2. Unpacking the Equipment.
a. Before unpacking, move the engine generator set as near
as possible to the location where it will be operated.
Exercise care in the use of bars, hammers, and
similar tools while uncrating the unit to avoid
damaging the equipment.
b. Remove the top and then the sides of the crate
(fig. 1-25).
c. Remove barrier bag, dessicant bags, and shipping
material from engine generator set.
d. Disconnect engine generator set from crate skid by
removing carriage bolts, nuts, washers, and lift set off of skid
2-3. Inspecting and Servicing the Equipment.
a. Preparation. Prepare the engine generator set for
inspection and operation as outlined in the following paragraphs.
For Army users refer to DA Form 2258.
b. Inspection. Inspection is to be performed as follows:
(1) Inspect radiator for damage and foreign material
(table 3-l).
(2) Inspect all air cleaner connections for tightness and
(3) Check fan belts and alternator drive belt for correct
adjustment (table 3-1 )
(4) Check engine intake (fig. 3-5) and exhaust systems
(fig. 3-12) to make certain they are unobstructed by foreign
(5) Inspect the fuel, water and coolant lines for cracks,
leaks, or other damage (table 3-l).
(6) If cooling system shutoff cock (21, fig. 3-29) and/or
crankcase drain plug (11, fig. 3-50) have been removed, install
them properly. Check that these drain cocks are closed. Check
that oil cooler drain plug is installed.
(7) Check that main fuel tank drain cock (fig. 3-7) and
day tank drain cock (36, fig. 3-27) are closed.
(8) Make a thorough visual inspection of the entire
engine generator set for loose or missing mounting hardware, or
damaged or missing parts. Report all damaged or missing parts
on DD Form 6.
(9) (AF Only) Assure that the noise level warning sign
is stenciled on the top half of both rear (generator end of set)
side doors as shown on fig. 2-1 A.
c. Servicing. Servicing of the equipment is to be
performed as follows:
Do not smoke or use an open flame in the vicinity
when filling fuel tank.
Hot refueling of generators while they are operating
poses a safety hazard and shall not be attempted.
Hot engine surfaces and sparks produced from the
engine and generator circuitry are possible sources of
ignition. Severe injury, death and/or damage to
equipment may result.
(1) Fill fuel tank with appropriate fuel through filler
neck and set FUEL SELECTOR VALVE (A, fig. 2-5) to SET
TANK position to connect main fuel tank to electrical fuel
pumps. If an auxiliary source of fuel is to be used in operating
the engine generator set, connect fuel hose to AUXILIARY
AUXILIARY position.
(2) Fill radiator with arctic antifreeze solution, the
standard coolant for this engine generator set, in accordance
with table 2-1. In case of emergency, water with rust inhibitor
can be used. Depreservation of the cooling system includes
draining the cooling system (para 3-41) and cleaning the system
with low pressure steam or, if steam is not available, with hot
water. Depreservation requires that the coolant in the lube oil
cooler also be drained and refilled (para 3-199).
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